The Shadow of the Exile CYRUS’ CYLINDER The Edict of Cyrus 538 BC
The Shadow of the Exile Judah came back to the Promised Land but was still not free:- PERSIANS PERSIANS GREEKS GREEKS ROMANS ROMANS It was as though the Exile had never really ended. This was still the feeling among Jewish people in the time of Jesus.
The Shadow of the Exile From the 8 th Century, hope in a future King to deliver Israel/Judah and give her peace in her own land began to formulate – e.g. Isaiah 11 From the 8 th Century, hope in a future King to deliver Israel/Judah and give her peace in her own land began to formulate – e.g. Isaiah 11 As Post-Exilic life wore on without relief from foreign domination, messianic hopes for a future David grew As Post-Exilic life wore on without relief from foreign domination, messianic hopes for a future David grew
The Shadow of the Exile RESPONSES TO THE CRISIS:- Rigorous application of the Torah (the Pharisees) Political compromise and hope for the best (the Sadducees) Retreat into sectarian piety (the Essenes - e.g the Qumran Sect [Dead Sea Scrolls]) Violent uprising and terrorism (the Zealots)
The Shadow of the Exile Which way would Jesus go? He proclaimed the Kingdom – it has broken in but is still to come in fullness He proclaimed the Kingdom – it has broken in but is still to come in fullness He played down the title Messiah He played down the title Messiah He avoided attempts to make him king He avoided attempts to make him king He overthrew the Temple not the Roman Procurator He overthrew the Temple not the Roman Procurator
The Shadow of the Exile Jewish hope of Kingdom Sovereignty in their own land underlies the disciples’ question in Acts 1:6. Jesus avoids the question (v.7) He then points them away from Jewish Palestinian ideas of Israel’s destiny and towards the world (v.8) The land is now too small a concept – the nations are the focus…the blessing to Abraham is fulfilled in global mission
The Shadow of the Exile From Acts 1 onwards, there is no more mention of Jewish hopes for God’s Kingdom being expressed in terms of sovereignty in their historic land. Exile has been overcome by the Gospel. Evangelism has replaced Jewish nationalism.
ALL HEBREW SCRIPTURE HAS BEEN FULFILLED IN JESUS… LUKE 24:13-32…The Walk to Emmaus “We’d hoped he would redeem Israel” (nationalistic hope of sovereignty on their own land) – v.21 “All the Scriptures” are fulfilled in Jesus – v.27 LUKE 24:45-47…The Upper Room The Scriptures are fulfilled in Jesus – v The NATIONS, not the “nation” are now the focus – v.47
HOW HAS JESUS FULFILLED ALL THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES? PARTICULAR PROPHECIES PARTICULAR PROPHECIES - lots of them…scattered round the OT. - lots of them…scattered round the OT. Significantly, Isaiah 53 – not previously understood as messianic The “SERVANT” passages in Isaiah are initially about Israel/Judah but single down to one representative man whose suffering will save all God’s people
HOW HAS JESUS FULFILLED ALL THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES? The “SON OF MAN” The “SON OF MAN” The figure described in Daniel 7:13… Daniel tells us that he represents the SAINTS OF ISRAEL (v.18) In the vision, the Son of Man will enter glory and sovereignty over the nations (v.14,18,27) But first there is suffering (v.25)
HOW HAS JESUS FULFILLED ALL THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES? In choosing the Suffering, later glorified Servant of the Lord, and the Suffering, later glorified Son of Man, as his two main models, Jesus is saying: My Kingly Glory will be won through suffering and sacrifice not conquest My Kingly Glory will be won through suffering and sacrifice not conquest I am fulfilling in person the calling of Israel I am fulfilling in person the calling of Israel His life re-enacts the Israel story (Egypt, Wilderness, Mountain revelations) His life re-enacts the Israel story (Egypt, Wilderness, Mountain revelations) - Jesus is the true Israel - - All who would belong in Israel must first belong in Him -
HOW HAS JESUS FULFILLED ALL THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES? The MAJOR INSTITUTIONS OF ISRAEL The MAJOR INSTITUTIONS OF ISRAEL 1. Kingship – as Messiah 2. Priesthood – as Mediator 3. Prophet – as God’s Word 4. Sacrifice – as the one who died for us 5. Temple – as the place of God’s dwelling 6. Land – as the new Joshua
HOW HAS JESUS FULFILLED ALL THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES? THE MAJOR FESTIVALS OF ISRAEL:- THE MAJOR FESTIVALS OF ISRAEL:- PASSOVER – festival of deliverance – the Cross PENTECOST – festival of firstfruits – the Spirit TABERNACLES – festival of full harvest – still to come…
HOW HAS JESUS FULFILLED ALL THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES? TABERNACLES was regarded as the time the Messiah would come to Israel. It is the most important feast of the Jewish year TABERNACLES was regarded as the time the Messiah would come to Israel. It is the most important feast of the Jewish year PASSOVER AND PENTECOST were fulfilled on the exact day of the festival PASSOVER AND PENTECOST were fulfilled on the exact day of the festival WILL THE SECOND COMING FALL ON THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES?? WILL THE SECOND COMING FALL ON THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES??
HOW HAS JESUS FULFILLED ALL THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES? SUMMARY ON JESUS’ FULFILMENT:- SUMMARY ON JESUS’ FULFILMENT:- He has fulfilled the Hebrew Scriptures He has fulfilled the role of the Hebrew Nation He has fulfilled the Israelite institutions He has fulfilled the Jewish festivals Israel has not been replaced by the Church, but rather fulfilled in Christ.
The Importance of Israel The Scriptures, identity and national life of Israel have not become unimportant. They are all the more vital in order to understand who Jesus is, what he has done, and what he will do in the future. If we can learn to think more like a Jew and less like a Gentile, we will understand the Scriptures – OT and NT – better.
AND FINALLY… Next Time: Next Time: Is there any particular destiny left in God’s plans for the Jewish people? Does the land of Israel/Palestine still have a unique place in God’s plans for the Jewish nation? What are the ramifications for world events and western foreign policy?