History 102SY The United States and the Middle East 1900 to the Present
The Iraq War and Beyond
February 2003—Secretary of State Colin Powell repeated both Curveball’s and al-Libi’s claims at United Nations
September 2002—Bush called on UN to pass resolution demanding that Iraq disarm itself of weapons of mass destruction
CIA Director George Tenet
October 2002—Supplied with misleading intelligence, Congress passed Iraq War Resolution CIA “White Paper” on Iraq and WMD
November 2002—UN Security Council passed Resolution 1441, calling on Iraq to disarm itself of weapons of mass destruction, warning of “serious consequences” if it failed to do so
Late 2002—UN inspectors started operating in Iraq
December 2002-January 2003—US deployed more troops to Persian Gulf; France and Germany opposed use of force without subsequent UN resolution German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer
Early 2003—UN weapons inspectors found no evidence of WMD programs but asked for more time to continue investigation Chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix
March 2003—US, Britain, and “coalition of the willing” launched Iraq War without second UN resolution
April 2003—Saddam Hussein regime fell; but US forces failed to provide adequate security, permitting widespread looting and violence
Summer 2003—Iraqi Insurgency broke out
—Iraqi civil war
—US “troop surge,” combined with “Sunni Awakening,” helped to stabilize country
December 2011—US troops withdrawn from Iraq
In early aftermath of 9/11 there were prospects for better relations between United States and Iran Mohammad Khatami
But relations soon soured due to Iran’s nuclear program and Bush’s inclusion of Iran in “Axis of Evil”
2005—Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, hard-line Islamist, elected president of Iran, causing relations to deteriorate further
Ongoing controversy over Iran’s nuclear program
Mahmoud AhmadenijadBenjamin Netanyahu
Arab Spring
Libya Muammar Qaddafi
Syria Bashar al-Asad Syrian army defectors
Economic distress in Arab world
Israel-Palestine dispute
Since 9/11—Growing US reliance on paramilitary operations
May 1, 2011
Warrantless Wiretapping
Obama and drone strikes
Civilian casualties in Pakistan