English II—March 4, 2015 Bell work: All narratives share key elements: setting, character, point of view, sequence of events, and theme. How do you think a graphic novel tells a story through those elements? Homework: – Independent Reading Project due Friday. – Study for Lesson #6 Vocabulary Quiz.
Graphic Novel: Persepolis There are no quotation marks around dialogue. The dialogue balloons connect to or are near the character’s body to indicate who is speaking. Dialogue balloons are read from left to right and top to bottom. To distinguish narration from dialogue, narration is located along the top of the panel, not in a balloon.
Check Your Understanding Complete the chart on p. 111 with details of the key narrative elements of the story. When finished, create a series of panel drawings that include dialogue. Be sure to: – Include narrative elements of setting, character, point of view, sequence of events, and theme throughout the graphic panel. – Use dialogue balloons and narrator blocks effectively. If you have time to add color to your graphic panel, I will give you bonus points.
Narrative Poem Writing Prompt Revisit the narratives you have read or the memoir you’ve been writing and select one to turn into a narrative poem. Be sure to: – Tell a story (poem should have a sequence of events, characters, and conflict). – Use vivid details and imagery. – Intentionally use punctuation to create a stylistic effect.