The Consequences of Social Injustice Far Reaching Effects
See the additional handout for the list of terms. In small groups (pairs or threes) define the terms. For each term: Aboriginal Peoples: Some Definitions Activity
–Accurately define the terms –Show understanding of the concept by citing appropriate examples –Demonstrate an understanding of the consequences of injustice for all concerned (where appropriate) Aboriginal Peoples: Some Definitions Activity
The Courts, The Government, and Social Injustice Case Studies of Legal Decisions regarding Aboriginal Peoples
Read ONE the following law(s) or legal decision(s) pertaining to Aboriginal peoples in Canada: –The Charter of Rights and Freedoms –Hate Provisions sections of the Criminal Code of Canada –The Indian Act –Specific court decisions (e.g., Calder 1973, Guerin 1984, Sparrow 1990, Delgamuukw 1991, Van der Peet 1995, Powley 2004) Aboriginal Peoples + The Law
Address the following questions (see additional handout) in small groups. Be prepared to discuss these as a class: 1.What is the intent (point) of each piece of legislation or legal decision? Case Studies of Social Justice Questions
2.Are there aspects of it that promote social justice? What are they? 3.Are there aspects of it that promote or perpetuate injustice? What are they? 4.Are there loopholes or weaknesses in the human rights legislation? Case Studies of Social Justice Questions
Think about the following questions (see additional handout) and be prepared to discuss these as a class: 5.Are there people in our society who are not protected by human rights legislation? Case Studies of Social Justice Sharing Session
6.Do any of these documents contradict or conflict with each other? Explain. 7.Which pieces of legislation does the most to promote social justice for Aboriginal people? Explain. 8.Which legislation most perpetuates social injustice for Aboriginal people? Explain. Case Studies of Social Justice Sharing Session
Clustering Activity: –Summarize your main findings for your document. –Have 2-3 main points to share. Aboriginal Peoples + The Law: Cluster Activity
–Place these main points on the whiteboard. –Here similar items from various documents will be clustered/grouped on the whiteboard to show and recognize patterns in Canadian law regarding Aboriginal peoples. Aboriginal Peoples + The Law: Cluster Activity
1.What was at issue in the document you investigated, and what was the outcome/result of that document(s)? 2.How has the law/decision affected the First Nation, the individual, and Canadian society? 3.Did the belief systems of the dominant culture influence the legislation or decision? If so, how? Aboriginal Peoples + The Law: Summary Questions
1) How have the dominant belief systems in Canada affected our legal/political relationship with Aboriginal peoples? Aboriginal Peoples + The Law: Response/Reflection
2) Reflect / analyse / assess how the laws of Canada promote social justice or perpetuate social injustice for Aboriginal peoples. Quick Write: Aboriginal Peoples and Social Justice/Injustice?