Starting the College Journey
WELCOME TO COLLEGE What really matters in college? What are the key degree requirements? How do I go about getting advice to help me make good decisions? What specific recommendations should I know about to help navigate registering for classes today? How do I create and maintain a program for success in college?
WHAT REALLY MATTERS IN COLLEGE? A liberal arts education is the best and most powerful preparation for: 1) A productive career; and 2) Dealing with life’s challenges o Employers say “it takes more than a major” to prosper in an economy that is constantly changing. o Employers want individuals who can communicate, think critically, and make informed decisions
DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Earn a minimum total of 124 credit hours General Education Program requirements Major and Minor requirements General Electives
Deciding on a Major
DECIDING ON A MAJOR It’s okay to be undecided Once decided, it’s okay to change your mind and switch majors However, switching majors on a whim without receiving guidance may: Delay your graduation Increase your tuition bills NOTE: Seek out a Career Coach in the University Advising and Career Development Center (UACDC).
Choosing Classes
GRADUATE IN FOUR YEARS? Must take AT LEAST credit hours per year Take15/16 credit hours Fall and Winter semesters and/or Take additional credit hours during the Summer NOTE: A minimum of 12 credit hours is required to be considered a full-time student. Some financial aid may require 15 credit hours to be considered a full-time student.
SEEKING ACCURATE ADVICE Seek out accurate information on important degree requirements Online catalog ** check after July 1 ** Online class schedules my.emich Student Services tab Academic Advisors NOTE: Meet with advisors every semester!
GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Effective Communication Written Communication and Oral Communication Quantitative Reasoning Knowledge of the Disciplines Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences Perspectives on a Diverse World Global Awareness and U.S. Diversity Learning Beyond the Classroom
THE FIRST TWO SEMESTERS Satisfy the Written Communication and Oral Communication requirements during your first two semesters Take the necessary steps towards satisfying the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Why??? EMU students completing these requirements their first year have much higher grade point averages (GPAs) and graduation rates.
MORE DECISIONS TO MAKE Consider registering for a first-year experience … UNIV 101L3 [satisfies LBC Group 3] … Successful Starters If decided on a major, take any courses recommended for that major Take additional Gen Ed courses to fill out your schedule Create a plan – follow the plan!
Create a Plan for Success EMU will provide students with high-impact learning experiences and then support them to reach their full potential
Being Successful in the Classroom
SUCCESS IN COLLEGE Take control of your education Meet instructors during their office hours Create your own support systems. Seek help! Take control of your time. Plan ahead! Make thoughtful course decisions – challenge yourself; don’t just satisfy a requirement Set goals for the semester, … the year, … your college career
Students Going it Alone
WHAT CAN FAMILY AND FRIENDS DO? Stay in communication - ask questions – but also give students some breathing room Plan to visit in the fall if student is living on campus or just to see what campus events are like Encourage student’s curiosity and academic interests Encourage your student to take advantage of support services Encourage your student to GET INVOLVED!
NEXT STEPS – FINAL THOUGHTS Students prepare to meet with advisors and take the first steps in making thoughtful decisions Family members prepare to let their students meet with advisors and become an EMU Eagle
Final Thoughts on College
Dr. Chris Foreman General Education Program