Chapter 10: Section 2 From Isolation to Involvement UNITED STATES HISTORY MS. GIRBAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015
Chapter 10 Timeline Wednesday, April 15- Section 2: From Isolation to Involvement Thursday, April 16- Section 3: America Enters the War Start watching America The Story of US: WWII Monday, April 20- Chapter 10 Quiz Chapter 10 IDs due Finish watching the film
Understand the course of the early years of World War II in Europe. Describe Franklin Roosevelt’s foreign policy in the mid-1930s and the great debate between interventionists and isolationists. Explain how the United States became more involved in the conflict. Objectives
FDR Opposes Aggression The attacks of Japan on China shocked Americans FDR criticized Japan’s aggression Lamented the “reign of terror and international lawlessness”, the bombing of civilians and acts of cruelty Although US had an isolationist stance- FDR explained that no part of the world was truly isolated from the rest of the world. Solution for stopping aggression? Informational alliance of peace-loving nations
Hitler violated the Munich Pact, taking over the remainder of Czechoslovakia Next on the map? Poland France signs an alliance with Poland Germany more concerned with the Soviet Union Germany signed the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact with Soviets on August 23, Not attack one another Secretly invade and divide Poland Hopes for peace in Europe faded as it became clear that efforts to appease Hitler had failed.
Germany launched a series of attacks on its neighbors marked by speed and massive firepower—a blitzkrieg, or “lightning war.” Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands fell.
Europe was again at war. In time, major powers around the world joined in alliances. Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan Allies Britain France Soviet Union United States China Axis signed the Tripartite Act in September of 1940 and became Axis.
France Falls to the Axis Powers (35 Days) France was prepared for Germany’s invasion by building the Maginot Line. Between Maginot Line and Belgium was the Ardennes Germans attack on May 1940 Plan was to trap British and French against the English Channel Miracle of Dunkirk- Some 338,000 British and French troops escaped Hitler took over Paris and forced French to surrender.
Hitler then turned his fury on Britain Operation Sea Lion The Battle of Britain was waged in the air as pilots fought for control of the skies. The British hid in shelters and darkened homes as bombs rained down. Despite terrible destruction, the British held on.
In the early days of the war, Congress declared neutrality. But as the war raged on in Europe, the United States began to take steps to support Europe’s democracies. The Neutrality Act of 1939 contained a cash-and-carry provision favoring the Allies. The Selective Service Act provided for a military draft- training for 1.2million troops and 800,000 reserve troops each year. FDR agreed to give Britain 50 WWI battleships in exchange for eight defense bases.
Not everyone agreed with FDR’s pro-Allies position. A loud debate soon raged between isolationists and interventionists.
As conditions worsened overseas, Roosevelt described what was at stake in an address to Congress on January 6, All of these freedoms, he argued, were threatened by German and Japanese militarism. Best way to stay out of the conflict was to aid Britain freedom of speech freedom of worship freedom from want freedom from fear He highlighted four freedoms precious to Americans.
The Lend-Lease Act, symbolically numbered 1776, amounted to an economic declaration of war. Many people, however, remained divided over American involvement in the war. Congress then took another step to aid the British.
In 1941, Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter, deepening the alliance between the two nations. War seemed inevitable. German submarines began to fire on American ships supporting the Allies. Roosevelt ordered the navy to attack the U-boats on sight.
As conditions worsened overseas, Roosevelt described what was at stake in an address to Congress on January 6, All of these freedoms, he argued, were threatened by German and Japanese militarism. Best way to stay out of the conflict was to aid Britain freedom of speech freedom of worship freedom from want freedom from fear He highlighted four freedoms precious to Americans.