Climate Adaptation Around the World Planning for Climate Impacts in the Western Lake Superior Region September 22, 2011, Duluth Michael Davidson, Midwest Regional Director ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability USA
Asia The Treasury of Bhutan plans to release grants of UN funds to local governments to adapt to climate change. Most local governments will likely help farmers adapt agricultural practices to increase food security Photo credit: Flickr Hockadilly
Pacific Islands Micronesia signed the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project along with Nauru, the Marshall Islands, and others, to deal with the impact of coastal erosion on infrastructure. Photo credit: Flickr dw_globalideas
Europe Mayors from Europe and around the world meet annually in Bonn, Germany for a Resilient Cities conference, part of the World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, focusing on urban design, ecosystem services, and more. Photo credit: Flickr Janos Szudi
Africa Farmers use cell phones to access weather information via text message to prepare for upcoming floods or droughts. Photo credit: Neil Palmer (CIAT) and Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security
South America The City of Sao Paulo, Brazil, expanded protected areas and parks to prevent further loss of biodiversity due to climate change, while also creating a department of veterinary medicine and wildlife to address threats to animals in the local ecosystem. Photo credit: Flickr CIFOR