Hosted by Mr. Kleinfehn
BrazilUruguay Paraguay Argentina
Row 1, Col 1 The first people to live in Brazil. Who are American Indians?
1,2 The Capital of Uruguay What is Montevideo?
1,3 Capital of Paraguay. What is Asuncion?
1,4 The capital of Argentina. What is Buenos Aries?
2,1 The two largest cities in Brazil. What are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro?
2,2 Partially enclosed body of water Where salt and freshwater mix. What is an estuary?
2,3 Surrounded on all sides By land. What is landlocked
2,4 The wide grassy plains in Central Argentina What is the Pampas?
3,1 Capital of Brazil. What is Brasilia
3,2 Only this amount of the Population of Uruguay are not Of European descent. What is 12 percent?
3,3 This is a religion that combines African, Indian and Christian beliefs. (Type the question for 3,3 here.)?
3,4 The informal economy is based On this type of work. What are odd jobs?
4,1 Huge slums in Brazil. What are favelas?
4,2 This percentage of the Population lives in the urban Area of Uruguay What is 90%?
4,3 Low plains in Argentina and Paraguay. What is Gran Chaco?
4,4 This group has had the most Influence on Argentina’s culture. Who are the Europeans?
5,1 A major port and industry Center in the Amazon region. What is Manaus?
5,2 Provides power to most of Uruguay. What is hyroelectric?
5,3 The northern and coastal Areas of Atlantic South America have these climates. What are tropical and moist?
5,4 This is a popular dish of sausage And steak in Argentina. What is Parrilla?