1 First NameCountry My name is Akela. CHAPTER 1: PREVIEW What’s your name? Akela
2 First NameCountry CHAPTER 1: PREVIEW Kenya What country are you from? Akela I’m from Kenya.
3 First NameCountry Nick CHAPTER 1: PREVIEW What’s your name? Kenya Akela My name is Nick.
4 CHAPTER 1: PREVIEW Greece What country are you from? I’m from Greece. First NameCountry Kenya Akela Nick
5 Canada is a country. 1-1 NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR
6 (a) Canada is a country. Canada =a singular noun is =a singular verb country =a singular noun NOUN + IS + NOUN 1-1 NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR
7 (b) Sydney is a city. 1-1 NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR A is an article. A singular nouns
8 Brazil is a country. Peru is a country. Santiago is a city. * 1-1 NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR
9 (c) A butterfly is an insect. A An same meaning a and an are articles
NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR a chair a woman a school a lion a bed a man
NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR a chair a woman a school a lion a bed a man A in front of consonants
NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR an elevator an egg an avocado an elephant an oven an ear
13 an elevator 1-1 NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR an egg an avocado an elephant an oven an ear An in front of vowels
14 An apple is a fruit. A bear is an animal. A rose is a flower. 1-1 NOUN + IS + NOUN: SINGULAR
15 1. __ school is ___ building. 2. ___ horse is ___ animal. 3. ___ ant is ___ insect. 4. Soccer is ___ sport. 1-1 Let’s Practice Aa anA Anan a a an
16 Colombia is a ______. Argentina is a ______. Sao Paulo is a ___. 1-1 Let’s Practice country city * Sao Paulo
17 A printer is a ________. 1-1 Let’s Practice shapemachinebuilding
18 A square is a _______. 1-1 Let’s Practice shapemachinebuilding
19 A house is a ________. 1-1 Let’s Practice shapemachinebuilding
20 A triangle is a _______. 1-1 Let’s Practice shapemachinebuilding
21 Ducks are birds. 1-2 NOUN + ARE + NOUN: PLURAL
22 (a) Ducks are birds. 1-2 NOUN + ARE + NOUN: PLURAL Ducks =a plural noun are =a plural verb birds =a plural noun NOUN + ARE + NOUN
23 PLURAL: dogs, animals (b) SINGULAR: a dog, an animal a and an – only with singular nouns plural nouns end in -s 1-2 NOUN + ARE + NOUN: PLURAL
24 (c) SINGULAR: a city, a country PLURAL: cities, countries cit y ies Omit the - y and add -ies 1-2 NOUN + ARE + NOUN: PLURAL
25 (c) SINGULAR: a city, a country PLURAL: cities, countries 1-2 NOUN + ARE + NOUN: PLURAL countr y ies Omit the -y and add -ies
26 NOUN and NOUN + ARE + NOUN (d) Italy and Greece are countries. (e) Bees and ants are bugs. 1-2 NOUN + ARE + NOUN: PLURAL
27 A school is a building. Schools are buildings. singular plural 1-2 Let’s Practice
28 Elephants are animals. An elephant is an animal. singular plural 1-2 Let’s Practice
29 A swan is a bird. singular plural Swans are birds. 1-2 Let’s Practice
30 Carrots are vegetables. yesno 1-2 Let’s Practice
31 Bees are insects. yes no 1-2 Let’s Practice
32 I am a teacher. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
33 SINGULAR (a) I am a teacher. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
34 SINGULAR (a) I am a teacher. (b) You are a teacher. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
35 SINGULAR (a) I am a teacher. (b) You are a teacher. (c) She is a teacher. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
36 SINGULAR (a) I am a teacher. (b) You are a teacher. (c) She is a teacher. (d) He is a teacher. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
37 SINGULAR (a) I am a teacher. (b) You are a teacher. (c) She is a teacher. (d) He is a teacher. (e) It is a school. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
38 SINGULAR (a) I am a teacher. (b) You are a teacher. (c) She is a teacher. (d) He is a teacher. (e) It is a school. PLURAL (f) We are teachers. (g) You are teachers. (h) They are teachers. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
39 SINGULAR I am a teacher. You are a teacher. She is a teacher. He is a teacher. It is a school. PLURAL We are teachers. You are teachers. They are teachers. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
40 SINGULAR I am a teacher. You are a teacher. She is a teacher. He is a teacher. It is a school. PLURAL We are teachers. You are teachers. They are teachers. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
41 SINGULAR I am a teacher. You are a teacher. She is a teacher. He is a teacher. It is a school. PLURAL We are teachers. You are teachers. They are teachers. 1-3 PRONOUN + BE + NOUN
42 SINGULAR I. You ________. She _______. PLURAL We _______. You _______. They _______. am a girl are a girl is a girl are girls 1-3 Let’s Practice
43 I’m a teacher. 1-4 CONTRACTIONS WITH BE
45 She’s a girl. It’s a cat. He’s a boy. she + is she’s he + is he’s IS PRONOUN + BE CONTRACTION 1-4 CONTRACTIONS WITH BE it + is it’s
46 You’re students. They’re students. We’re students. you + are you’re we + are we’re ARE PRONOUN + BE CONTRACTION 1-4 CONTRACTIONS WITH BE they + are they’re
47 My teacher is a woman. _____ nice. 1-4 Let’s Practice She’s
48 My dog has four puppies. ______ cute. 1-4 Let’s Practice They’re
49 _____ friendly. You’re I like you. 1-4 Let’s Practice
50 ______ students. We’re I have two sisters. 1-4 Let’s Practice
51 I am not a teacher. 1-5 NEGATIVE WITH BE
52 (a) I am not a doctor. (b) You are not a doctor. (c) She is not a doctor. (d) He is not a doctor. I’m not You’re not You aren’t He’s not He isn’t She’s not She isn’t 1-5 NEGATIVE WITH BE CONTRACTIONS
53 They’re not They aren’t You’re not You aren’t It’s not It isn’t We’re not We aren’t (e) It is not a city. (f ) We are not doctors. (g) You are not teachers. (h) They are not teachers. 1-5 NEGATIVE WITH BE CONTRACTIONS
54 The women ______ nurses. They’re doctors 1-5 Let’s Practice isn’t aren’t they doctors aren’t ______________.
55 This girl ____ a teacher. She’s a student 1-5 Let’s Practice isn’t aren’t she student isn’t ______________.
56 _________. 1-5 Let’s Practice isn’t It’s a cat This animal _____ a dog. isn’t aren’t it cat
57 A fire is warm. 1-6 BE + ADJECTIVE
BE + ADJECTIVE Adjectives describe nouns An elephant is big. A butterfly is small. A ball is round. A fire is warm. Sarah is happy.
59 NOUN + BE + ADJECTIVE (a) An orange is round. (b) Oranges are round. (c) Jane is young. (d) Ada and Rob are intelligent. 1-6 BE + ADJECTIVE
60 PRONOUN + BE + ADJECTIVE (e) I am happy. (f ) It is round. (g) We are young. 1-6 BE + ADJECTIVE
61 He’s not clean. He’s ____. dirty 1-6 Let’s Practice small rich dirty
62 Deserts aren’t wet. They’re ___.dry 1-6 Let’s Practice sad sweet dry
63 Ice cream __ ____. cold 1-6 Let’s Practice cold warm small big is are is
64 A fire __ _____. iswarm 1-6 Let’s Practice cold warm good bad is are
65 The tree __ ____. The bushes ___ _____. short are tall short young old 1-6 Let’s Practice tall is are
66 Janet is at home. 1-7 BE + A PLACE
67 (a) Janet is here. (b) Bill is at the library. here = a place at the library = a place be place 1-7 BE + A PLACE
68 outside. there. downtown. upstairs. downstairs. here. (c) Janet is inside upstairs there downtown downstairs one-word places 1-7 BE + A PLACE outside inside.
69 Jonas is outside. 1-7 BE + A PLACE
70 Luke is upstairs. 1-7 BE + A PLACE
71 PREPOSITION + NOUN (d) Silvia is next to Jenny. 1-7 BE + A PLACE prepositional phrase preposition + noun =
72 Jara is. 1-7 BE + A PLACE in the pool
73 Lia is. 1-7 BE + A PLACE on the car
74 He is downtown. upstairs. outside. one word She is on the car. at school. in the pool. prepositional phrase 1-7 BE + A PLACE
75 onThe plant is ___ the table. 1-7 Let’s Practice at under above on
76 Max is ________. downtown 1-7 Let’s Practice downtown here outside
77 at under next to on Beth is ___ school. 1-7 Let’s Practice at
78 The table and chair are _____ the tree.under 1-7 Let’s Practice at under above on
SUMMARY: BASIC SENTENCE PATTERNS WITH BE 3 basic completions SUBJECT + BE + A PLACE (c) She is at the gym. (d) I am downstairs. a noun an adjective an expression of place ADJECTIVE (b) She is happy. NOUN (a) I am a teacher.
81 An eagle is a bird. 1-8 Let’s Practice correct?___
82 Eggs is healthy. Eggs are healthy. correct?___ no 1-8 Let’s Practice
83 China and Japan are countries. 1-8 Let’s Practice correct?___
84 The lion is big. correct?___ The lion are big. no 1-8 Let’s Practice
85 The boys are at the beach.The boys is at the beach. no 1-8 Let’s Practice correct? ___