Ocean Habitats By Adielle Pressgrove OH! NO! The ocean habitat is looking at me! I S L A P P E D Y O U ! CRAP! That’s my grampa! Did he really look that FAT! Nope sorry that’s my sister
Location The earth’s location is at almost every latitude & elevation. That includes every ocean, saltwater habitat, or an easier way of saying it is it basically covers the whole world! Which is crazy and that’s why I chose this habitat.
Animal facts There are lots of animals in the ocean i can’t show you all of them, but I’ll show you some later. Quick fact jellyfish shoot venum out of their tentacles to sting and catch their prey. true or false? Sea Turtles are warm-blooded animals. True or false? Baby sea animals are adorible? FALSE! True! Well, sometimes Seal Snapping turtle Baby seahorses
What did I tell you about baby sea animals being cute? :) Well, nothing of course! Sea lion Mommy sea lion and baby seal lion Sea turtle
Plants There are lots of plants I’ll show you pictures and facts about plants. Here are some pictures of plants. Quick fact not all sea plants are homes for fish most sea plants are food for other animals. Anemone Coral reef Seaweed Kelp
Temperature Ocean water freezes at degrees Celsius (28.5 degrees Fahrenheit). That means at high latitudes sea ice can form. The average temperature of the ocean surface waters is about 17 degrees Celsius (62.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
CONGRATS! You just learned about ocean animals Oh no you didn’t! I think we did... Otters
Oh congrats you’re now in college! I love you so much WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!
With prizes!
Quiz #1 How many sharks are killed yearly? 40 million!
Quiz #2 TRUE or FALSE? Sharks bite 70 people each year worldwide. TRUE
Quiz #3 How many species of animals are in the ocean? 1 million are discovered
Qui z #4 An electric eel is known to produce electricity equivalent to how many light bulbs?
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