Decisive – WP7 Decisive meeting at Stockholm, May 27th Susanna Teppola VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
2 27/06/2016 Short description of WP topic WP7 covers all the dissemination and exploitation activities carried out in the project. The goal of the work package is to ensure project success by: creating awareness about the project by continuously disseminating the research results to stakeholders both in industrial and academic communities, integrating and packaging the research results in exploitative form to be used by interested partners, exploiting the obtained results mainly by industry, but also by research organizations and university partners in their daily work To recognise, and further develop, new concepts in respective standardisation activities.
3 27/06/2016 Short description of WP goals - dissemination Find and use effective strategies to reach wide audience for project results involve various activities, such as: Create project identity for all public communication (logo, templates) Use Internet (visibility through public web site, and in social media) Arrange workshops (regular internal workgroups and expert sessions, external workshops) Set up demo installations to be shown in various events Participate in events: National, international congresses, fairs and exhibitions Prepare scientific publications and conferences
4 27/06/2016 Short description of WP goals - exploitation Find and use effective strategies to exploit project results: Research and academic: Training activities, MSc and PhD courses and students New activities: New customer and/or R&D projects Commercial products and services Tools, methods, patents? Standardisation activities…
5 27/06/2016 Decomposition into tasks T7.1 Dissemination Preparation of basic dissemination material and awareness of the project Development of dissemination plan and updates of the plan Continuous dissemination according to dissemination plan Education and training Networking with relevant stakeholders and communities … T7.2 Exploitation Development of exploitation plan and updates of the plan Integration and packaging of project results for exploitation Industrial exploitation Academic exploitation … T7.3 Standardization Standardization activity plan Standardization activities…
6 27/06/2016 Relationships to other WPs WP7 is closely related to all technology and business work packages of the project. The work done in the work packages (WP1 – WP6) will offer the content for dissemination and exploitation activities.
7 27/06/2016 Timing of tasks (months after project start)
8 27/06/2016 Proposed deliverables & delivery time Dissemination: Public Web site, Internal communication repository, templates Dissemination plan, to be revised regularly Dissemination reports Decisive workshop / seminar Exploitation: Exploitation plan, to be revised regularly Exploitation reports Standardization: …Standardization report on relevant standards and impact on Decisive research area… Standardization activity plan..
9 27/06/2016 Partners in the WP & tasks* PartnerPM MDH6 DCAITI/Daimler3 UEF8 Knr2 NSN6 UoO14 Atego5 CEA6 Thales2 CISC2 TOTAL86 PartnerPM FHG-HHI2,2 IKER3 NXP-A2 UES2 BHL8 CAU3 VTT14 Philips6 * Black letters: taken from the administration sheet in Wiki (not sure). Updated/valid numbers in blue. Partner PM TEC4 MU4 NXP-D2 ISYS12 AVL2 FADA-CATEC4 UC3M5 TUE3
10 27/06/2016 Proposed task leaders WP leader: Susanna Teppola (VTT) Pasi Kuvaja (UoO) Task leaders: Dissemination Lead: Exploitation Lead: Standardization Lead:
11 27/06/2016 VTT creates business from technology