Target’s Story: A Bullseye View Joe Curry Social Media Manager Public Relations,
Content vs. Stories
3 A Bullseye View covers the ideas, people and happenings that make Target, Target. The site serves up daily editorial— interviews, photo galleries, videos, articles and infographics—that bring Target news and perspectives to life in shareable ways.
‘Behind the Scenes’ The site takes readers into the “green room” and backstage of all that’s happening at the brand, from corporate reputation to fashion and style news.
7 Event Coverage
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● PRABAL LAUNCH PARTY 1:16 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 8
9 Our Approach to Storytelling
10 Helpful, Useful, Solution-Focused
11 Layered Narratives
12 Influencer Engagement: Celebrities
13 Influencer Engagement: Targeted Audience
14 Influencer Engagement: Online Influencers
15 A Bullseye View is sometimes an alternative to traditional press releases for announcing company news. Target skipped a press release to use ABV instead to reveal its new bridal line. The post was picked up by dozens of blogs and media outlets. Breaking News Source
16 1)Don’t be afraid to try new things – not everything will work 2)Saying no is just as important as saying yes 3)Must be timely; we need to be there when it’s current 3 Key Lessons Learned
17 What’s Next?