Learn the mechanics of using App Inventor to build apps. Learn how to design an app’s user interface with the App Inventor Designer, and its behavior with the Blocks Editor. Understand that an app’s behavior consists of event handlers-- blocks that specify how an app responds to each event. Understand that an app can make decisions using a conditional (if) block. Understand that a component has a set of properties and that a property is a memory cell that can be changed to modify how a component looks and behaves. Learn how to test an app, how to deploy it to a device, and how to publish it on a portfolio and the App Inventor Gallery.
1.If you don’t already have one, sign up for a Gmail account. (App Inventor is hosted in the cloud, and a Gmail account is necessary for authentication.)Gmail account 2.If you are using a Windows computer, please download and install the Chrome web browser. App Inventor is a browser based tool and works best with Chrome.download and install the Chrome web browser 3.Login to App Inventor. (To begin with you'll want to go to the "Guide" tab, which will bring you to the next step, setup. The set up menu might also appear when you first log in)App Inventor 4.Go to ai2.appinventor.mit.eduai2.appinventor.mit.edu 5.Go to 6.We will be using the school Internet or Wifi to connect our computers 7.That's it. We should be good to go. Getting Set Up
Here are the list of steps you need to do to get set up:Get a Google account (e.g., Gmail). Create a Google sites portfolio. Customize your portfolio according to the MobileCSP style. Share the link to your Google site with your teacher Google Account In order to build apps with App Inventor you will need a Gmail account. If you don't already have an account visit the Google Signup Form and follow the instructions there for setting up an account.visit the Google Signup Form
A Google site is a website. We will be using a Google site to share ideas and to present our apps and other work. For each app that you build you will be asked to create a web page that describes your app and gives visitors links to download and run your app. For non-programming lessons you will be asked to answer questions about a reading or to share your reflections about a contemporary issue such as "Privacy". By the end of this course you will be very skilled at creating and maintaining your own simple web site. Do your best to make your site attractive and informative. Your site will be one way to express yourself and "Show your stuff!" Create and Customize Your Portfolio To get started: Go to Google sites (sites.google.com). sites.google.com Make sure you are logged in and click the red 'CREATE' button on the top left. On the next page, click "Browse the gallery for more."
In the search box, type "Mobile CSP" and press Enter.* Click on the "Mobile CSP Student Portfolio" to select it and then scroll to the bottom of the window and click the blue "Select" button. Name your site using a descriptive name, such as "John Adam’s Mobile Computing Portfolio" Type in the code shown (provided during setup) Click the red "CREATE" button again and wait for your site to load. *Note: If you are using a Google account associated with a school domain, you may need to search for the Mobile CSP template under "public" rather than within your school district. If you have problems searching, you can go to the template directly and then click the blue button in the upper right, USE TEMPLATE.* template directly
Notice there is a navigation bar containing the following categories: Homework Creative projects Reflections Performance Tasks You will add pages to each of the four categories as you complete the lessons in this course. At a minimum your site should have the following features: A home page with whatever personal information you want to share about yourself, including a photo or image. The photo doesn't have to be a personal photo. Here is another example of a site that provides a step-by-step guide for setting up a Google site and for how to add/customize pages.step-by-step guide A Link to Your Portfolio When you have completed this lesson use the Gmail account that you created to send your instructor a link to your portfolio.