Grants/Loans/Debt USAID has been the primary donor supporting the conservancy movement in Namibia over the last 13 years through direct funding and technical assistance through government and NGO partners. On August 17, 2005, 3 new USAID bilateral grant agreements were signed for development assistance to Namibia with a total ‘life of project’ value of $200m over the next 5 years. These focus on the areas of basic education, community based natural resource management, and democracy and governance. Under the European Development Funds (EDF), total aid resources made available to Namibia amout to 193m Euros.
ALLOCATION Allocation% of overall allocation Rural development and land reform 34m Euros60% Human resources development 21m Euros30% Non focal areas10% Total73m Euros100% The amounts shown above account solely for EDF (European Development Fund) allocations programmable aid
MYANMAR Myanmar is facing a deepening and largely unnoticed humanitarian crisis. Although rich in natural resources, Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in Asia due to lack of respect for fundamental freedoms and persistent inter-ethnic conflict…
Grants/Loans/Debt In response to the worsening humanitarian situation in Myanmar, ECHO has tripled its annual funding from 6.5m Euros in 2001, to 19.4m Euros in Out of the total budget of $15.5m for a 5 year total drug eradication plan, the US and Japanese governments have promised $3.8m. This plan will be carried out in the northeast region of Myanmar and Japan will provide Yen 500m and Yen 700m in grant-in-aid to help it increase production of alternative crops to opium along this border, which the country shares with Thailand and Laos. External debt amounts to $6.752b
ECHO (the European Community Humanitarian Aid department) In Myanmar 60% of ECHO financing is spent on the fight against malaria and the provision of basic health care in remote areas. About one third is dedicated to water and sanitation projects. The remainder is allocated to nutrition programmes with special emphasis on women and children. ECHO also supports the International Red Cross in its mandate concerning respect of international humanitarian law.