Forestry Research Network for Sub-Saharan Africa (FORNESSA): Objectives, Experiences and Vision Dr. Atse M. Yapi FORNESSA Secretary
OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION ___________________________ Structure Objectives Experience Vision
OBJECTIVES OF FORNESSA Support sub-regional networks in their capacity building efforts Foster regional co-operation in forest research Articulate and advocate African forestry research agenda and development issues in global fora.
Communication, information sharing and collaboration improved significantly CORAF dry land research priority themes: Forestry research for food security and sustainable management of natural resources; Monitoring of forest ecosystems for decision making and crisis prevention CORAF humid land research priority themes: Forests and governance; Forests and wealth production; Sustainable management and rehabilitation of forests; Poverty, population and environment.
In the SADC sub-region also … Priority thematic research areas: Management of natural forests Forests protection (insect pests and diseases management); Production systems (tree seeds production and agro forestry; NTFP (production and processing); Capacity building and strengthening in information and technical services. Allocation of coordination responsibilities: Botswana and Namibia => Agro forestry in dry lands Malawi =>Community forestry, NWFP production and processing South Africa =>Biodiversity conservation, management and utilization; tree pests and diseases mgt. Zimbabwe => Tree seeds production
Strong partnership developed with international forest-related organizations and networks FORNESSA/FAO/IUFRO- SPDC partnership: FAO hosting and funding FORNESSA for 3 years; IUFRO-SPDC supporting FORNESSA through the GFIS Africa project; The GFIS Africa thematic network and synthesis initiative; The upcoming German-supported Congo Basin policy research project; The upcoming INCO-DEV CA project on “mutual learning” in East Africa. The FORNESSA/ETFRN/VIITRI collaboration, Which improved information sharing between FORNESSA and the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN); And which also provided the opportunity for scientists from FORNESSA member institutions to participate in the Trees, Agro forestry and Climate Change in Dry land Africa (TACCDA) project. FORNESSA also collaborates with IPGRI, ICRAF, CIFOR, CIRAD Foret, AFORNET and SAFORGEN
Advocacy Role in Global Fora FORNESSA at the 4 th and 5 th Sessions of the UNFF Secretary Atse Yapi and Chairman (GFIS Africa) Dr. Joseph Cobbinah both represented FORNESSA at UNFF4, in Geneva, Switzerland, May 2004, where FORNESSA was designated as Focal point of the UNFF-MSD Science and Technology (S&T) major group; FORNESSA again participated in the 5 th Session of the UNFF and the MSD in New York, USA, May 2005, as Focal Point of the S&T Major Group. FORNESSA at COFO 2004 Chairman Dr. Paul Konuche represented FORNESSA at COFO 2004, Where the need for FAO to continue its commitment and support to forestry research and education in Africa was expressed. FORNESSA WEBSITE:
FORNESSA’s Vision : Bridging the Science-Policy Gap Scientific knowledge is important and should help to formulate and to change forest policy in Africa. This requires a number of important actions: Improve substance of research: address relevant issues that matter; Package appropriately and communicate effectively research results to stakeholders, including policy-decision makers. => A paradigm shift is needed to effect the above actions
FORNESSA’s Vision : Rethinking the research-development process Promote multi-stakeholder research agenda setting; Promote multi-disciplinary approaches to research; Promote relevant stakeholders (e.g., private sector and development institutions) participation in research; Understand the policy process, look to the future; Create partnerships and improve capacity to engage in policy processes.
Concluding Remarks What are the key research issues and priorities for Africa? How should they be addressed and by who? National and/or International? Should development issues such as land tenure, watershed management, marketing support, and gender, be part of the research agenda of national as well as international research institutions? What about policy issues such as participation/joint management; social responsibility of actors; energy and energy-saving technologies; water resources and alien/invasive species? Should these be also the concern of national and/or international research organizations? => A meaningful working relationship and allocation of coordination responsibilities between national and international forest research and development organizations is required. The role and place of the networks and research support projects need also to be redefined.