Link verbs are the kind of the Verb having partially lost their lexical meaning. In sentences they link the subject to the predicate (or a subject complement). Sometimes they are called a linking or a copulative verb. In comparison with notional verbs instead of the adverb the adjective is used with link verbs. Almost all link verbs can be used as a notional verb and a link verb as well.
Link verbs are: Verbs of sensation: feel, taste, smell, sound, look Verbs of existence: act, appear, be, become, continue, grow, prove, remain, seem, sit, stand, turn
Sometimes link verbs are difficult to distinguish with notional verbs. Care should be taken that a notional verb indicates an action, however, a link verb indicates a condition. For example, The meal tastes fantastic. (a link verb, determined with an adjective and has a meaning of condition) He tasted the hot meal carefully. (a notional verb, determined with an adverb and has a meaning of action)
TO BE The Verb To BE can be used as a notional, auxiliary, link and a modal verb. Some students often have problems with this verb and frequently mix these kinds. To omit this mistake we should remember: a) as a notional verb to be is used in the following meanings: 1) In the meaning of existence and being; There was too little snow in the garden. All his books are in his shelf. 2) In the meaning of happening (being); The best presented work will be the winner of this contest.
b) As an auxiliary verb To Be is used in continuous tense forms and in the Passive Voice: She said she was awarded for her project. Don’t interrupt Tom. He is translating the article. c) To be + infinitive construction has a modal meaning and indicates the verb that has been planned beforehand. The students are to finish their work before the bell. d) As a link verb to be is a part of Compound Nominal Predicate The dancing girl is the student of our school. Jenny was very beautiful when she was 7. Lately she is often sad.
Here are some examples for both easily confused action and link verbs: She sounded sad to me. My friend often feels bad and tired. He felt somebody touch him by hand. When I saw her last, she looked happy. She looked happily at her friends. He became my first friend to trust my secrets in.
Jack smelled the perfume before using. The odor of perfume smelled disgusting. He turned the page. The students turned red. I got the best present in my life. It was getting darker and darker. We grow some vegetable in our garden. Suddenly the child grew pale.
TEST YOURSELF ACTION OR LINK VERB? 1. Everybody respects her because she always keeps others secrets. 2. To the teacher’s great surprise all the students kept silent. 3. In her last interview the singer sounded cheerful. 4. He sounded the song after the song. 5. They grew tired of speaking.
6. The child grew into a talkative boy. 7. The perfume smelled heavenly. 8. Mother appeared happy to see her son. 9. Mother appeared quietly in the room. 10. If you tell him about it, he will become angry. 11. Who are you waiting for? 12. I’m not often told about this problem. 13. Julia wasn’t excited when reading a book. 14. Visitors seemed satisfied.
Make sentences for the pictures using the given link verbs