E ZION’S DAUGHTER E PSALM 9 I’ll praise You Lord with all my heart And tell of all Your wondrous ways I’ll sing for joy at every part Most worthy judge, I’ll give You praise Defender of my cause
My enemies they turned in dread When melted by Your powerful look They tried to flee but fell instead You blot their names out of Your book Remember them no more
O the righteous God The Judge of earth is my strength
I take refuge in the Father At the gates of Zion’s daughter When I’m thirsty, Lord, You fill my cup From streams of living water Lift me out of my affliction In the gates of death and slaughter Let me live to ever sing Your praise in the gates Of Zion’s daughter
The nations now are sinking down Into the pits that they have made Their feet are tangled in their nets The traps that they themselves have laid Ensnared by their own hands
The poor will put their trust in You The humble call upon Your name You have not left them to themselves I know that they don’t hope in vain Avenger of their blood!
O the righteous God The Judge of earth is my strength
I take refuge in the Father At the gates of Zion’s daughter When I’m thirsty, Lord, You fill my cup From streams of living water Lift me out of my affliction In the gates of death and slaughter Let me live to ever sing Your praise in the gates Of Zion’s daughter
Rise up, O Lord, in Your wrath Strike every scoffer You meet Crush every fool in Your path Put their injustice under Your feet!
I take refuge in the Father At the gates of Zion’s daughter When I’m thirsty, Lord, You fill my cup From streams of living water Lift me out of my affliction In the gates of death and slaughter Let me live to ever sing Your praise in the gates Of Zion’s daughter