Naomi Pequette
1.Core Hydrogen Burning 2.Shell Hydrogen Burning 3.First Dredge Up 4.The Bump in the Luminosity Function 5.Core Helium Flash 6.Core Helium Burning 7.Ascent to Asymptotic Giant Branch 8.Asymptotic Giant Branch Evolution
He core contracting and gradually heating Getting denser and more degenerate Degenerate core=>Polytropic equation of state Pressure = Kρ γ No Temperature Dependence Temp high enough for He burning—extra energy released increases local temperature Due to degeneracy—burning rate increases further =>Runaway process This is the Helium Core Flash!
High density of core—neutrino processes remove energy from core Depends on density—more efficient at center Causes center to cool more quickly than other regions Max. temp moves away from center and slightly outward in mass Helium flash ignited at point of max temp Flash begins in shell
Top: Position of max. temperature within the star Bottom: Where in mass max. temperature occurs Initially was at center, but moves away from center
Temperature profiles during ignition of flash Huge energy release drives convective zone which reaches all the way to the H shell Temp of core region decreases Energy released by flash mostly used in changing core from degeneracy to “nearly perfect-gas equation of state”
Small jump in H buring shell Dwarfed by energy produced by He flash Flash does not last long, as seen in movie Note: These are log plots! L reaches L sun but surface value changes little H L ->0: expansion causes H shell to be pushed outward and cool so much H burning stops
He burning produces C-12 Convection mixes C-12 throughout convective region Animation uses assumptions that are untrue: can ignore dynamic terms in EoM and mixing is instantaneous – Yet we see stars in the next phase that look like models
There are a couple mini- flashes after main flash Each removes degeneracy from core Each successive flash occurs closer to center than one before it Convective zone of flash settle down to being steadily burning
Have 2 energy sources: He-burning core and H- burning shell Movie: interior profiles of He as star continues up HR diagram
He->C-12 burning increases opacity in core Radiative gradient increases, and ratio of gradients increases Other side of convective border: no change in composition since burning happening in very center Discontinuity in composition and ratio of radiatvie to adiabatic temperature gradients
Core has large discontinuity in ratio of gradients Finite acceleration inside No point where gradients are equal: thus positive acceleration outward and restoring force inward on opp. side Seemingly core should grow
But, ratio of gradients has local min. As more He mixes into core, ratio of gradients will lower throughout core As region falls below unity, convection disappears and radiation carries energy 1 st pt to become radiative is local min
Growth of convective core driven by mixing of carbon rich material Convection “pinched local min: inner region gradients convective, out region separated Convective core grows till ratio of gradients unity (local min) then semi convection begins
Semi convective zone grows as evolution proceeds until encompasses ½ as much matter as convective core As shown in picture to the left
Once substantial amount of C-12, star producing O-16 Left: The time dependence of the abundances Spikes: Core breathing pulses
1.Early AGB Evolution 2.Thermally Pulsing AGB 3.Anatomy of a Thermal Pulse 4.Two Consecutive Thermal Pulses
Hansen Stellar Evolution Demo for information and animations: 2evoln.html 2evoln.html H-R Diagram image: