3 rd Technical Consultation on Eliminating Harmful Practices Affecting Children 26 th -27 th September 2013 India Country Presentation by Ministry of Women and Child Development Government of India Towards a new dawn
What are Harmful Practices? Harmful Practices in India Current Situation: Child Marriage and Corporal Punishment Key Initiatives: Child Marriage and Corporal Punishment Other Initiatives for Protection of Children Way Forward Structure of the Presentation 2
Reasons: a) Long standing/entrenched value systems combined with low socio-economic status b) Child is viewed as a mere extension of the family and not a separate entity with rights and entitlements Kinds: These can be traditional as well as contemporary social, cultural and religious practices What are Harmful Practices? 3
Impact: a) Affects safety and protection of children b) Creates an environment where the voice of the child is not heard c) Results in vulnerability to abuse of multiple sorts What are Harmful Practices? 4
Child Marriage Corporal Punishment Gender Discrimination (1) Caste Discrimination Discrimination against differently abled children Dowry and dowry related crimes Examples of Harmful Practices in India 5
Current Situation 6
National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) data: Number of cases registered under PCMA 2006 in the year 2010, 2011, 2012 are 60, 113 and 169 respectively National Family Health Survey (NHFS-3): a) 47% of married women (20-24 years old) were married before the age of 18years b) There is an inverse correlation between the attainment of education and the odds of getting married Child Marriage 7
Key Initiatives – Child Marriage 8
Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA), 2006 a)Permissible age for marriage for girls is 18 years and boys is 21 years b)It makes child marriage an offence and prescribes punishment for those conducting/ abetting/ promoting/permitting/solemnizing child marriage Key Initiatives – Child Marriage 9
c ) The Courts have the power to issue injunction to prevent child marriages from taking place d) The solemnization of child marriage is a cognizable and non-baliable offence e) Act provides institution of Child Marriage Prohibition Officer (CPMO) in every state to prevent child marriages, ensure protection of the victim as well as prosecution of offenders Key Initiatives - Child Marriage 10
Conditional Cash Transfer Schemes Balika Samridhi Yojana (1) Bhagyasri Kalyan Bima Yojana (2) Other health schemes such as Janani Suraksha Yojana, Indira Gandhi Matritva Shayog Yojana where girls below 19 are excluded from availing benefits of the scheme sponsored by Central Government Key Initiatives - Child Marriage 11
Handbook on PCMA, 2006: Developed by MWCD Core Group involving concerned Ministries, NGOs, academic research bodies, media and other experts formed to strengthen the implementation of PCMA. National Consultation on Child Marriage held on 25 th May, 2012 (1) Other Initiatives to Prevent Child Marriage 12
National Strategy Document on Prevention of Child Marriage (2) Policies like National Population Policy, 2000, National Youth Policy, 2003 and National Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Policy have advocated delaying the age at marriage and age of conceiving the first child. National Policy for Children, 2013 emphasizes that in addition to other vulnerable children, married children are also tracked, rescued, rehabilitated and have access to their right to education Other Initiatives to Prevent Child Marriage
National Girl Child day (celebrated on 24 th January) and schemes like Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (SABLA) launched in 2010 (1) are being used to raise awareness on the issue at various levels. State Governments are requested to take special initiatives to delay marriage by coordinated efforts on Akha Teej – the traditional day for such marriages Workshops, seminars and legal awareness camps are organised in various states to spread awareness and bring attitudinal changes to prevent child marriage. Other Initiatives to Prevent Child Marriage 14
Other Initiatives for Protection of Children 15
Ensure that there are structures in place and functioning as stipulated under various national laws and Schemes Strengthening the Monitoring and Evaluation system Capacity building and sensitisation of functionaries Way Forward 16
Finalisation and roll out of National Plan of Action on Child Marriage (1) Creating a child friendly society and raising awareness of parents and teachers on impact of issues such as corporal punishment Continue supporting empowerment of girls and promote community awareness Way Forward
Fulfill children’s right to survival, development, protection and participation Ensure survival, holistic development, protection and participation of children belonging to all castes, religions, language groups, communities, socio economic status and geographical locations Fulfill children’s development potential in nurturing, protective, child friendly and gender sensitive, family, community, programme and policy environments Way Forward 18
Thank you !!!