AP A MERICAN G OVERNMENT Unit 3: The States, Ratification through Civil War
A MENDING THE C ONSTITUTION The Process May be proposed by vote of 2/3 of BOTH houses of Congress OR a national constitutional convention (2/3 of States can call for a convention) Ratified by 3/4 of States in their legislature or special convention of the State Never has a convention been called (almost with the 17 th Amendment) Ratification of an amendment may not be rescinded by a State Since 1917, Congress has had deadlines for passage 27 th Amendment was proposed in 1789 and ratified in 1992
A MENDING THE C ONSTITUTION Deadline issues The 18 th, 20 th, 21 st, 22 nd, 23 rd, 24 th, 25 th and 26 th Amendment had deadlines The 19 th Amendment and the Child Labor Prevention Amendment did not have deadlines (child labor amendment still pending in the States) The Equal Rights Amendment and DC Voting Amendment expired Still pending – Title of Nobility in States Amendment (1810) and The Corwin Amendments (1861)
A MENDING THE C ONSTITUTION Current ideas to Amend the Constitution NO CHANCE Congressional Term Limits Balanced Budget Federal Marriage Definition Flag Desecration Electoral College Change POSSIBLE CHANCE Naturalized Citizen as President Voting Rights for Felons Extended Voting Times for Federal Elections