QUICK WRITE: POINT OF VIEW Write about a time when you should have listened to your parents (or another adult) but didn’t. Revision: Now rewrite the story from the perspective of the adult. or Write about a traumatic event that has happened in your life. Write it using first person “I.” Revision: Rewrite the same event using third person.
OBJECTIVE, AGENDA, & HOMEWORK Objective: Students will… Identify parallel plots in a short story. Identify the point of view from which a story is told and apply their understanding of point of view to rewrite passages in a different point of view. Agenda: Quick Write with Revision New Greek Roots Plot Diagram for “American History” Point of View Rewrites Homework: Greek roots sheet is due Monday.
GREEK ROOTS Homework sheet is due Monday. Be sure that the words you are choosing use the Greek root in the meaning. Copy the 5 new roots into pages 6-7 of your composition notebook. 21. tele, tel, telo = far, distant 22. arch, archi = rule, govern, extreme 23. dem = people 24. gon = angle 25. gyn = women
“AMERICAN HISTORY” PLOT Kennedy’s Plot: Intro: There was silence in El Building when Kennedy was shot because he was a saint to them. RA: Mr. DePalma cries over Kennedy’s death; Elena’s mother goes to church to honor Kennedy; Eugene’s mom cries over Kennedy's death. Climax: Eugene’s mom is indignant that Elena doesn’t seem to care about Kennedy’s assassination. FA: Eugene’s mom turns Elena away – the opposite of what Kennedy stood for as a Civil Rights activist. Res: While her family mourns Kennedy’s death, Elena tries to feel the right thing for Kennedy’s death but can’t. Elena’s Plot: Intro: Elena first sees Eugene over the summer when his family moves in. RA: Elena tries to find Eugene at school; she finally talks to him; he likes her and they start walking home together; they pick out books; Eugene invites her over to study, so she is excited. Climax: Eugene’s mom rejects Elena because of racism. FA: Elena doesn’t understand what’s going on at first but then goes home. Res: Elena cries over the loss of Eugene and her innocence instead of crying about Kennedy’s death.
FOCUS LESSON: POINT OF VIEW 5 types of point of view: 1 st person 2 nd person 3 rd person objective 3 rd person limited 3 rd person omniscient Reasons to use each type: 1 st person helps the reader connect to the character and the story. 3 rd omniscient gives a greater scope of the events. 2 nd and 3 rd objective are not commonly used in short stories.
“AMERICAN HISTORY” POINT OF VIEW EXAMPLE Paragraph 36: We learn that Elena is more sad about Eugene than Kennedy’s death. The white snow turning to gray symbolizes her innocence being lost. We need to change “I” to “Elena” or “her.” Rewritten in 3 rd person limited point of view: That night, Elena lay in her bed thinking. She wanted to feel the right thing for the country’s dead president, but the tears that came were strictly for her and Eugene. She pretended to sleep when her mother came to the door. Later, she saw the street- light outside her window come on with its pink halo. She went to the window and cooled her face against the glass. When she looked up to the light, she could see the white snow falling like a veil of lace. She couldn’t bear to look down and watch something so beautiful turn to gray as it touched the ground below her.
“AMERICAN HISTORY” POINT OF VIEW ASSIGNMENT Rewrite paragraph 3 in 3 rd person limited point of view. Be sure to change Elena’s “I” to “Elena” or “she” and “me” to “her.” Rewrite paragraphs in 1 st person point of view but from Mr. DePalma’s perspective instead of Elena’s. We can infer what Mr. DePalma is thinking about President Kennedy and the lack of caring from his students. Rewrite this as his thoughts. Rewrite paragraphs in 3 rd person omniscient point of view. We can infer what Eugene’s mom is thinking about President Kennedy, Elena, and Puerto Ricans in general. How might a 3 rd person narrator who knows what she is thinking rewrite this?