“First Proposition” Training Session 22 Oct 2014
How to win from First Prop. 1.Show harm(s) in status quo which are the biggest/scariest/most important harms? (For example, death is worse than a lack of chocolate) 2.Show why that harm necessitates actions/justify 3.Show why that action will be effective/necessary regardless of efficacy
Model If not sure, keep it simple. – Key to doing well in First Prop is to do what the judges want you to do – If you wreck the debate by doing something crazy you are likely to be heavily penalised. Make sure it is in line with your arguments. Can use it tactically to your advantage. – Add clarity – Take out some Opp arguments
Soft / Strong Line THW legalise euthanasia Soft line: Restricted to incredibly sick people, who are very close to death, and who have no hope of a cure or a decent standard of living. Patients need the consent of multiple doctors and psychologists. Passive euthanasia only – deny food/ medicine. Moderate Line: Allowed to the terminally ill who have very low standard of living and little-to-no hope of a cure. Doctor and Psychologist consent. Doctor assisted euthanasia allowed. Hard Line: Available to anyone diagnosed with a terminal or debilitating or degenerative illness, whether physical or mental. Need medical consent. Doctor assisted or self-administered. From Tim Sonnreich “Tips, Tactics and First Principles.”
Soft / Hard Line A smart team will stay somewhere between the moderate and hard line in every debate, because it’s both the fairest thing to do and is the tactically sound choice too. Fairness: Harder to set up a good debate which is balanced. Tactically: Hard line usually easier to defend because it is more consistent and more closely bridges the gap between the scale of the problem and the scale of the solution. Don’t go insane.
Model THW introduce corporal punishment in schools
Model THW militarily intervene in Syria.
Framing Set up the debate in your favour, can frame the problem you are trying to solve in your favour. Give the opp a steeper challenge. Have to show that their arguments are good and beat yours but also now just relevant to the debate.