Building Building God’s Kingdom Compass Community Church Principles Of Church Membership
The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 1. The Church Is A Fellowship - Acts 2:42 A top priority in fellowship is Unity and Harmony Implication: A Good Structure Promotes Unity and Downplays Differences - I Cor. 11:17-18 "Voting" tends to Divide
The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 2. The Church is A Family - I Peter 3:8 So we operate on the basis of Humility and Love, Not Skills - I Tim. 5:1-2, I Tim. 3:4-5
The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 3. The Church Is A Body - I Cor. 12:27 We are a Body - not a business We are an organism - not an organization
The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 3. The Church Is A Body - I Cor. 12:27 Therefore, we function on the Basis of Giftedness - Rom. 12:4-6 In an organization "maintenance" becomes the focus In an organism "ministry" is the focus
The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 3. The Church Is A Body - I Cor. 12:27 At Compass we have a simple structure so we can maximize Ministry and minimize Division
Our Structure The People are the Ministers The Pastors are the Equippers
The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 4. The Church is a Flock - John 10: John 10:1-30 Therefore it is cared for and led by Shepherds - John 21:16-17
Three Different Terms 1.Poimen - Shepherd 2.Presbuteros - Elder 3.Episkopos – Overseer - I Peter 5:1-2
What it Means to be a Member The difference between attenders and members is: Service
Membership Covenant 1.I will protect the unity of my church - Rom. 15:5, 15:19 2. I will share the responsibility of my church - I Thess. 1:2 Rom. 15:7 3. I will serve the ministry of my church - I Peter 4:10, Eph. 4: I will support the testimony of my church - Heb. 10:25, Phil. 1:27, I Cor. 16:2