How does salt water effect Germination the of Mung Beans? Legit Wildcats Sam Lehman, Carly Covington, Carlie Elliott, and Jocelyn Smith Green November 3, 2011
How does salt water effect the germination of mung beans? If we add salt then the mung beans will dehydrate. The independent variable is salt water. We kept the temperature constant throughout the experiment. Our control is fresh water because mung beans need water to grow roots.
Materials and Methods Materials I.Mung beans II.Water III.Plastic bag IV.Paper Towel V.Salt Our growth chamber had 5 mung beans in two separate plastic baggies with a paper towels. Our Procedure 1.Soak 10 Mung bean in fresh water. 2.Place 5 Mung bean in a plastic bag with fresh water and another one in a plastic bag with salt water. 3.Add water to keep the moist paper towel wet. 4.Keep in room temperature. 5.Keep paper towel damp or wet. 6.Measure and watch the beans germinate.
Data Y The blue line shows the averages for the beans in the fresh water. The red line shows the averages for the beans in the salt water. The beans in the salt water didn’t grow. The beans in the fresh water did grow and increased. Averages of Mung Beans in different Conditions Growth (CM) Dates
Results and Conclusions We found that the fresh water beans grew way more than salt water beans. The fresh water beans are healthier than the salt water beans. The salt dehydrated the beans because the salt absorbs the water inside the bean. We wonder if we would change the amount of salt and then it would germinate.