Westward Expansion
Manifest Destiny James K. Polk PUSHED OFF THEIR LAND & Forced to relocate The U.S. is destined to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Impact on Native Americans U.S. President
Trails West
Oregon Avoided war with the British by negotiating a treaty for land south of the forty- ninth parallel in Britain U.S.
Texas Texas was annexed (added) to the United States in Mexico was mad and it caused issues over the border!
Border Disputes John Slidell US Diplomat 30 Million Hey Mexico… Wanna sell?? We’re not Talking to you!
President James K. Polk General Zachary Taylor Border Disputes
Mexican -American WAR BEGINS IN 1846 Copy on the back of your map
Border Disputes U.S. Wins!! Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo –Mexico recognized annexation of Texas –Southern border of Texas established at Rio Grande –Mexican Cession Copy on the back of your map
Mexican Cession $ 1 5 m i l l i o n P a r t o f T r e a t y o f G u a d a l u p e - H i d a l g o f r o m M e x i c a n A m e r i c a n W a r P u r c h a s e d f r o m M e x i c o
Gadsden Purchase Route for railroad in “conscience money”? $10,000, bought from Mexico
California Part of Mexican Cession GOLD RUSH happened in 1849 (Increase in population) GOLD! At Sutter’s Mill, 1848 GOLD!
California California becomes a state in 1850! 49ers