Mrs. Brannen’s English 1,2 Fall, Week 6 Vocabulary
Abstinence Noun The act of refraining from pleasurable activity Many people practice abstinence when they give sweets up for Lent.
camaraderie Noun Trust, sociability amongst friends One of the benefits of joining a club is the camaraderie felt by all.
Digression Noun The act of straying from the main point, especially in speech or argument Mrs. Brannen’s digression into a political discussion confused her poetry students.
empathy Noun Identification with the feelings of others Susie felt empathy for the little lost child. She had once been lost herself.
Florid Adjective Red-colored, flushed; gaudy; ornate Arnie’s florid appearance was the result of high temperatures.
Haughty Adjective Arrogant and condescending Farmer John’s blue ribbon for the largest pumpkin led to his haughty attitude. “No one is as good as I am!”
Hyper- A prefix meaning “overly” or “excessive”
hyperactive Adjective Overly active; unable to be still Fido always becomes hyperactive when he hears the can opener.
hyperbole Noun An obvious and deliberate exaggeration for effect When Fred made a goal for the other team, he was so embarrassed he thought he would die.
Noun Wisdom Education, experience and age can lead to sagacity. sagacity
tactful Adjective Skillful in avoiding offense to others; considerate of others’ feelings Arthur was tactful when he suggested that the man was a bit plump.