Final report 英語二甲 4A1C0022 翁若舫
Student’s background Female 20 資傳系二年級 對英文口說沒信心 不流暢
Problem 1 television [ˋtɛlə͵vɪʒən] Solution Show videos how to pronounce A voiced consonant sound feel friction as your voice buzzes between the blade of your tongue and your gum ridge
practice ʒ tʃ Garage Garach ʒ ʃ Vision Vition Pleasure Massage Casual
Problem 2 race [res] Solution Show videos How to pronounce Lightly touching the inside edge of your upper back teeth. Keep your mouth slightly open and release the voice around the tongue
Practice Role Dole Rot Lot Berry Belly Fearing Feeling Raw carrots are good for children. Ray received a ribbon for running the race.
Reflection Develop [dɪ`vɛləp] [dɛ`vələp] Prefer [prɪˋfɝ] [prɛˋfɝ] Interest [ˋɪntərɪst] [ˋɪntərɛst]
END Thank you for your listening.