Annual MPO/COG Conference Components of a FHWA & FTA Title VI Plan February 24, 2016
Civil Rights Act of 1964 No person in the United States of America shall be: Excluded from participation Denied benefits Subjected to discrimination Title VI
Policy Statement Signed Assurances Designate Title VI Liaison & Organizational Structure Data Collection Training Complaint Procedures, Complaint Form and Complaint Log Public Participation Plan Limited English Proficiency Plan (LEP) Environmental Justice Title VI Program – FHWA/SCDOT Requirements for MPOs/COGs
Notice of Rights under Title VI How to file a complaint, copy of complaint form List of Title VI investigations, complaints, or lawsuits Public Participation Plan LEP Plan Racial Breakdown of Non-Elected Advisory Councils Narrative Describing Subrecipient Monitoring Board of Directors Resolution or meeting minutes demonstrating the board approved the Title VI Program If applicable, Title VI Equity Analysis if recipient has constructed a new maintenance facility or operation center Title VI Program - FTA Requirements for MPOs/COGs
Tile VI Program – FHWA/FTA Combined Plan If considering a combined plan: Plan must include Federal Highway and Transit programs and activities Include all elements listed in the FHWA/SCDOT/FTA Title VI Program Implementation Plan Checklist for MPOs/COGs If you have an approved FTA plan for 3 years, a combined plan will require you to obtain FTA approval and concurrence again A combined plan must be approved by SCDOT and FTA
Questions? FHWA Pamela M. Foster Civil Rights Officer SC Division (803) SCDOT Renee Miller-Cotton Title IV Coordinator Office of Minority and Small Business Affairs (803)