Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Shanika Blunt Education 650: Teaching, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century Alan Belcher 29 February 2016 Final Project
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Introduction Shanika Blunt BA African American Studies, Pre-Med Pursing MA in Education Pursuing Teaching Certification in Middle School Math and Science Applying for 6 th grade math and science vacancy at St. Charles Elementary School, Jeanerette, LA
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Philosophy of Education It is my duty to my students to create an environment conducive to learning. All children are capable of learning, it is my duty to find how they learn and how to help them learn efficiently. It is my duty to create activities that are challenging and encourage learning. It is my duty to ensure that all of my students are motivated to learn. I will create a classroom that has a safe learning environment. I will be sure that my students have the opportunities to develop their 21 st century skills: “Students need to be able to apply knowledge in complex situations, think critically, problem solve multifaced issues, be digitally literate, and collaborate with others…they need to be able to create, evaluate, and analyze ideas. They must learn to communicate their thoughts through a range of media. They must also be able to shift through an abundance of information and make sense of complex questions” (Newman, 2013).
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Classroom Management Management is the foundation of a successful classroom. Clear outline of agenda and objectives throughout lessons. Students need structure and guidance to stay on task. Seating based on grouping, proximity control. Always have something for students to do; challenging work for faster learners, study guides for those who need assistance. Eliminating Behavioral issues: Kathy Wunderlich’s The Teacher’s Guide to Behavioral Interventions.
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Different School Models Aspire Triumph Technology AcademySt. Charles St. ElementaryDifferences/Similarities identified between schools. Points to consider. Type of School Total Population/DemographicsVery diverse, low-medium income families, serves the Oakland school district population Poverty- low income families, majority African American One serves a more diverse range of students (Asian, Hispanic, African American, Caucasian), while the other severs mainly African American with a very small population of Caucasian students. Student to Teacher Ratio13:1Varies between classes, 20:1 or 18:1The charter school has smaller classrooms with teaching assistants rotating to help students with behavior. The public school has one teacher per class with an instructional assistant who assist the entire prek-6 school. There is one resource teacher who aids students with SPED accommodations. Key IssuesInstructional Assistant says that behavioral issues and deescalating them is one of the key issues. Behavior is what determines what responsibilities the students may have in the classroom. Behavior and family support. Students bring their issues from home to school and it causes various classroom distractions. Some students are just disrespectful and do not respect the authority around them. Both schools say that behavior is a key issue that they face daily. It is so distracting that they spend so much time enforcing it takes away from the learning and the more active, engaging work that can be done Role of TechnologyA large role. Students spend large blocks of time on computers. They spend a block in the morning and then in the afternoon every day. Technology assist the students. A lot of their lessons are lectured based with the aid of a smart board. The students can use the board with permission to write an answer. They only have 30 minutes of computer based learning a day. They rarely get to use the laptops available in class. Technology plays a bigger role in the charter school. The students spend a lot of time working on computers. At the public school they only spend 30 minutes a day on computers which is very little time in comparison to what they spend at home. 21st Century SkillsCARES modelNot as prominent, they learn it if the teacher brings the skills they need to the classroom. Both schools have different ways of implementing these skills. The public school’s vary from classroom to classroom and the charter school uses it in their CARES model.
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Different School Models Public school model, but can implement characteristics of charter school model Improve the role of an intervention specialist. Become more community focused to lower behavioral issues. Incorporate more technology into the schools so students begin learning to use all the various applications available on computers.
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Effecting Lesson Planning and Design All lessons are aligned with the states and common core standards. All activities are planned around the objectives of the lesson and standards. Students are assessed for learning. Assessments within my classroom are key to the students learning process. My golden rule is that if students fail a test or quiz, the information will be retaught until mastery is achieved. Stiggins and Chappuis state that “assessment for learning happens in the classroom and involves students in every aspect of their own assessment to build their confidence and maximize their achievement” (Chappuis, Stiggins 2006). Learning is shown through a range of activities. Real world examples are used in all lessons.
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Assessment Matters "Assessment is not about you as a teacher, it is about your students" (Lopez) Formative and Summative assessments. Assessments for learning. If the students do not understand something, I need to help them understand. It is my duty to provide them with the resources they need to be successful and I cannot do that if i worry about how the test scores make me look. No assessments for the sake of giving them and really make test that assess their content knowledge. It allows me to see what students I need to help more and which ones need to be challenged more. I want all of my assessments to have value. Not just to be entered as grade. It challenges me as an educator to make sure I am just as on tasks as my students are.
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Professional Learning Communities “Teacher leadership is a set of skills demonstrated by teachers who continue to teach students but also have an Influence that extends beyond their own classrooms to others within their own school and elsewhere” (Newman, 2013). Teacher leadership can be seen in complex nature of the 10 roles of teacher leaders Newman discusses in chapter 14. PLC classrooms reflect the various roles of teacher leaders. Teacher leaders are always looking for new research and PLC classrooms can reflect that type of research. My classroom would benefit from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTN), I would use these resources to model my classroom a particular way. For my school, I could be considered a teacher leader (resource provider, classroom supporter, mentor, catalyst for change or learner) depending on how my various types of knowledge could be used from engaging in this PLC.
Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. References Lopez, D. (2013). No excuses university: How six exceptional systems are revolutionizing our schools (2nd ed.). Turnaround Schools Publications. Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21 st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Stiggins, R., & Chappuis, J. (2006). What a difference a word makes: Assessment for learning rather than assessment of learning helps students succeed. Journal of Staff Development, 27(1), Retrieved from Wunderlich, K. (). The Teacher’s Guide to Behavioral Interventions.