3505 Arendell Street Morehead City, NC Susan H. McIntyre, J.D. Dean of Applied Sciences Laurie Freshwater, MA Dean of Health Sciences
NCWorks Career Pathways Grant Today’s Team Laurie Freshwater Dean of Health Sciences Bena Weires Career Specialist, CCC Tammy Childers Executive Director, Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board
Key Business Partners Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board Carteret County Chamber of Commerce Downtown Morehead City Revitalization Association Carteret General Hospital Fleet Readiness Center East Veneer Technologies Big Rock Sports County Government Medical Providers Small Goods/Services Businesses
Employer Supported Career Academies Health Sciences - Carteret General Hospital Manufacturing Day - Veneer Technologies CTE Faculty use guest speakers and field trips to enhance learning Business and Industry sponsored programs for CTE students, including Escoffier Dinner Series, National Boatbuliding Challenge, SkillsUSA Competitions Local employers serve on program advisory boards Creating database of Health and IT employers willing to host WBL activities Career Specialist works closely with county’s Career Center (formerly JobLink Center) and local industry to develop WBL experiences. Progress Towards Employer Engagement
9 – 14 Programs of Study ` Worked collaboratively with county public school CTE faculty and industry reps to develop or revise twenty- three CCP Programs of Study o Articulated credit was optimized and program contact hours were reviewed and reduced, if possible, to foster progression and completion. Pathway documents were created to map progression from high school to certificate / diploma / degree completion
Career Advising Initiatives College CTE Faculty have worked in tandem with Career Specialist to speak to public school students, faculty and counselors in the following areas: Family and Consumer Sciences (EDU, CUL, HRM), Health Sciences, Agriculture (Aquaculture), Finance (BA), IT, Cosmetic Arts and Spa Services Performed 650 middle school interest and learning style inventories Brought over 1000 middle and high school students to campus for tours, academies, career exploration activities Participated in middle school “Career Days” Embedded college counselors in local high schools one day per week Hosted middle and high school counselors to promote CTE pathway opportunities Development of Career Center, using “Career Spots” videos as virtual career center resource. College website features a user- friendly “College In High School” section that allows students, counselors and parents to view our career pathways.
Academies and Summer Enrichment Health Sciences Academy (working with Carteret General Hospital) Spa Services Academy Advanced Manufacturing Day (working with Atlantic Veneer) Video Game Development Camp Photography Camp Camp 911 Entrepreneurship Camp EdBiz Camp (combining Early Childhood Education and Entrepreneurship) Police Academy (Criminal Justice, Paralegal, and Morehead City Police Department)
College Tours for Middle and High School Students
Health Sciences Academy - March 11, 2016
Advanced Manufacturing Day/Industry Tours
Continued Efforts after Grant Ends: 1.Grant-funded Career Specialist position will become a permanent part-time position in FY17 2.Continue to embed college counselors in high schools. 3.Continue outreach to employers through Career Specialist, Advisory Committees, The Career Center, and the Chamber of Commerce 4.Continue and expand academies, summer enrichment and interaction between the college CTE faculty and public school students and faculty 5.Work closely with ECWBD to complete NC Works Certified Pathways in Health Sciences and Advanced Manufacturing
Lessons Learned: What Went Well Public School and College CTE faculty collaborated effectively to develop pathways to progress students from high school into the workforce by maximizing articulated credit, reducing pathways with excessive contact hours, and providing credentials to increase exit points to employment. Received valuable feedback from area employers as to their needs for employees (i.e. soft skills, cross-training) Continued relationship with ECWDB provided funding for pathway development and opportunities for further resources through regional pathway certification.
Lessons Learned: Challenges Despite intensive marketing and outreach efforts, our College and Career Promise Associate Degree transfer programs continue to out perform enrollment in our College and Career Promise Career and Technical pathway offerings. o Since several of the pathways were implemented in fall, 2015 without sufficient time for promotion, data will be reviewed for fall, 2016, and strategies reevaluated and adjusted if needed. Employers are willing to commit to short-term WBL (job shadowing, tours, guest speakers) but long-term WBL (internships, co-ops, apprenticeships) are a more difficult “sell,” especially among the county’s smaller employers.
Questions? Comments? Advice?