US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Military Programs Outlook American Council of Engineering Companies 2014 Annual Convention, Washington, D.C. Mike Schultz Deputy Chief, Programs Integration Division Directorate of Military Programs Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 28 April 2014
BUILDING STRONG ® FORSCOM HQ, Fort Bragg, NC, PA $299M USACE Military Missions Community Hospital, Fort Belvoir, VA, PA $1.0B Natl Geospatial Ctr, Fort Belvoir, VA, PA $1.7B Military Construction Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) COCOM Support Installation Support Environmental Real Estate Services Interagency and International Services Energy and Sustainability Overseas Contingency Operations, Afghanistan US CENTCOM HQs, MacDill, FL, PA $117M
BUILDING STRONG ® Military Missions Program Trends FY00-17 Program ($Millions)
Partnering w/ Installation Management Annual Average: USACE districts, labs, centers provide $3.2 billion worth of reimbursable facilities and public works support to IMCOM, Air Force and DOD installations. The Sustainment Management System (SMS) BUILDER: our web-based software application that assesses and predicts the condition of major facility components; helps prioritize investment strategies/decisions. Program Manager for The Army Metering Program: ensuring that Army facilities are metered with advanced electric meters, connected and automatically reporting to the Army’s enterprise reporting system; Meter Data Management System (MDMS). Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA): DOD's Design and Construction Agent, authorized to execute DODEA’s construction program in FY11- FY18. o The program projects valued at $4.2B; remodeling, expanding, replacing and providing new schools ; locations - Germany, Belgium, Japan, Korea, Continental United States; purpose - bring the standards of the schools (Old and New) to meet 21st Century Innovative Teaching Approaches. Wilderness Road Complex Ft Carson, LEED Platinum
BUILDING STRONG ® Environmental Workload ($M) 7 About 2/3 of the Army’s Environmental Program (excluding BRAC) Increase in Army BRAC due to account consolidation $50M Plus up for FUDS in FY14 Budget FY15 $1.3B FY14 $2.0B
BUILDING STRONG ® Support the Combatant Commands USACE overseas activity is dictated through foreign policy, national security interests and support to combatant commands. Supporting Presidential Initiatives: Re-balance to Asia and Power Africa Medical Facility Construction: Rhine Ordinance Barracks Military Medical Center (Germany) Foreign Military Sales (FMS): F-16 Build-out in Iraq Civil Military Emergency Preparedness Program (CMEP) Qatar: New construction consolidates several U.S. Air Force functions.
BUILDING STRONG ® CENTCOM 111 Cases ($1.6B) Afghanistan Bahrain Egypt Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia Tajikistan U.A.E Yemen AFRICOM 15 Cases ($22M) Cape Verde Djibouti Ghana Kenya Lesotho Mali Mauritania Rwanda Sierra Leone The Gambia EUCOM 48 Cases ($950M) Israel NATO SHAPE Romania 31 Countries (181 Cases, $2.8B) with an Active USACE Security Assistance Mission Security Assistance Work by CCMD NORTHCOM/ SOUTHCOM 4 Cases ($27M) Brazil Canada Colombia PACOM 3 Cases ($236M) Bangladesh India Mongolia Active Cases As of 1 Dec
BUILDING STRONG ® USACE Support to Army’s Energy and Water Program Military Construction Army (MCA) Sustainable Practices and Energy Efficiency Water Conservation Research and Development (R&D) Master Planning Energy Programs and Alternative Financing ► Metering and MDMS ► ESPC and UESC ► EEAP ► ECIP ► Commercial Utilities (CUP) ► Operational Energy Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF) USACE PROVIDES TECHNICAL, CONTRACTUAL, PROGRAMMATIC, AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT TO THE ARMY ENERGY PROGRAM. 2 solar PV carport installed at WSMR as part of the ESPC project.
BUILDING STRONG ® Engineering and Construction Preliminary Design (0-15 pct.) Energy model & Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) Design Energy model & LCCA & Energy Record Card Total Building Commissioning Construction Management Energy model /Energy Record Card Total Building Commissioning Post Occupancy Energy Record Card & Read the meter Build efficiently Deliver expectations Create and share knowledge Capture and Institutionalize best practices Energy efficient designs Energy audits. benchmarking energy consumption, reading meters, calibrating design models Commissioning existing buildings Repurposing existing buildings Tenets of Army Construction Build expertise in …. Enterprise approach to high performance sustainable buildings Improving Design Quality Engineering changes are 40 pct of our cost growth Doing more with BIM What we are doing …How you can help us …