Public Works July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Budget Workshop Carson City, Nevada Public Works July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Budget Workshop
Made up of many divisions including Engineering, Geographic Information Systems, Landfill, Transit, CAMPO, Regional Transportation, Street Maintenance, Storm Water Drainage, Sewer Operation, Water, and Fleet Maintenance Organized to maximize efficiency in providing essential services to Carson City Provide information to and address questions/concerns of the public, staff and Board members Participate in preparation, review and monitoring of the budget Prepare Utility Billing and Landfill billing Secure Grant funding for various capital projects Contracts
Organizational Charts Darren Schulz, PE Public Works Director Karen Leet Department Business Manager Patrick Pittenger, AICP Transportation Manager Daniel Rotter, PE Engineering Manager David Bruketta Utility Manager Curtis Horton Operations Manager
ADMINISTRATIVE Karen Leet Department Business Manager Utility Billing Specialist (2) Senior Office Specialist Accounting Technician Office Specialist Fiscal Analyst
TRANSPORTATION Patrick Pittenger, AICP Transportation Manager Senior Transportation Planner Transportation Planner Transit Coordinator
ENGINEERING Daniel Rotter, PE Engineering Manager Senior Project Manager Stormwater Engineering Technician Senior Project Manager Assistant Project Manager Project Manager Civil Design Supervisor Civil Engineering Designer (2) Project Manager Development Construction Manager Senior Construction Inspector Construction Inspector Document Control Specialist (2) Real Property Manager GIS Analyst
ENVIRONMENTAL David Bruketta Utility Manager Wastewater Operations Supervisor Wastewater Plant Operator 2 (2) Wastewater Plant Operator 1 (2) Wastewater Plant Mechanic (4) Environmental Control Foreman Senior Environmental Control Officer (2) Chemist Landfill Foreman Landfill Worker (5) Landfill Gate Attendant (3)
OPERATIONS Curtis Horton Operations Manager Water Operations Supervisor Meter Division Foreman Meter Technician (3) Water Production Foreman Water Production Operator 4 Water Production Operator 3 Water Production Operator 2 (3) Water Distribution Foreman Senior Water Distribution Technician (2) Water Distribution Technician 2 (2) Water Distribution Technician 1 (3) Sewer Operations Foreman Senior Sewer Technician Sewer Technician 2 (2) Sewer Technician 1 (3) Operations Manager Control Systems Electrical Communications Foreman Senior Traffic Systems Technician (2) Senior Instrumentation Technician Instrumentation Technician Communications Technician System Technician Street Foreman Senior Street Technician (5) Street Technician 3 (7) Street Technician 2 (7) Street Technician 1 Warehouse Supply Coordinator Fleet Services Supervisor Fleet Services Foreman Senior Fleet Services Technician (6)
Public Works Engineering Provide technical expertise and support to construct Carson City’s Capital Project Plan and program existing and future projects Preliminary engineering / Right-of-way acquisition Final design / specifications Public bidding process Construction management and inspection Compile Carson City’s Capital Improvement Plan Support Public Works Operations/Environmental in analysis, miscellaneous engineering solutions
Revenues & Expenses
Geographic Information Systems Carson City contracted with Douglas County to perform Geographic Information System Services for fiscal years 2014, 2015 and 2016 Responsibilities include: GIS data/layer creation and maintenance GIS Analysis Emergency response computer aided dispatch system updates Map, plotting, and data requests
Revenues & Expenses
Landfill Disposal site for refuse and other waste material Provides free recycling for aluminum cans, tin cans, newspaper, plastic bottles, glass bottles, cardboard, motor oil, antifreeze and car batteries Provides a free drop off point for household hazardous waste
Revenues & Expenses
Transit Jump Around Carson (JAC) bus system operation Four fixed routes with over 150 stops Shared-ride paratransit service for disabled riders providing curb-to-curb service Ride-home program for WNC students through taxicab operator Extensive work effort required to comply with Federal funding requirements – Federal funds are primary funding source JAC operations are conducted through use of contract operator, including dispatchers and all bus drivers Vehicles owned and maintained by Carson City
Revenues & Expenses
CAMPO Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is a Federally required and funded (typically 95% Federal) regional planning agency formed in 2002 after the 2000 Census Area covered by CAMPO includes Carson Urbanized Area – Carson City, western Lyon County, and northern Douglas County Public Works – Transportation employees provide the staffing for CAMPO and utilize consultants as well Work activities vary by year, but include the following: Regional transportation planning and programming Travel demand modeling/forecasting Corridor studies Data collection Special studies Public participation
Revenues & Expenses
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) The RTC is comprised of five members – two members of the Board of Supervisors and three citizens appointed by the Board of Supervisors RTC funding comes from a motor fuel tax generated in Carson City which can only be spent in Carson City on road projects RTC funds can be used for street capital and maintenance projects only RTC establishes priorities and recommends appropriate funding for transportation improvement projects in Carson City
Revenues & Expenses
Street Maintenance Streets Funding comes from motor fuel tax and a dedicated sales tax Streets funds can only be used for expenses related to street maintenance The use of Streets funds is coordinated with RTC funds Streets activities include the following: Snow plowing and ice control Repairing potholes, crack sealing and other problems with pavements Street sweeping Maintaining curbs, gutters and sidewalks Installing and maintaining signs and pavement markings Operating traffic signals Maintaining trees and weed control Paying for the cost to power street lights
Revenues & Expenses
Storm Water Drainage Floodplain Management Participates in the National Flood Insurance Program adopting and enforcing ordinances that meet or exceed Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements to reduce the risk of flooding Storm Water Quality Develops, implements and enforces a storm water management program designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the municipal storm sewer system to protect water quality and satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act
Revenues & Expenses
Sewer Sewer Maintenance Operates and maintains the City’s sewer collection system Responsible for preventative and emergency maintenance, line replacement, line extensions and connections, development permitting and inspections Water Resource Recovery Facility Operates and maintains the City’s wastewater reclamation system ensuring compliance with the permit issued by the Nevada State Division of Environmental Protection Responsible for preventative and emergency maintenance of the Water Resource Recovery Facility along with effluent reuse pipelines and pump stations, and raw sewage lift stations Performs laboratory and biological analysis to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations
Revenues & Expenses
Water Oversees the City’s water production, distribution and metering, as well as maintaining the City’s fire hydrants and infrastructure Water Production Maintains the Quill Water Treatment Plant and wells to ensure efficient operations and an adequate supply of water Monitors, regulates flows, samples, and maintains the surface water flows and groundwater wells to maximize the conjunctive use of the City’s variety of sources Water Distribution Maintains 250 miles of water mains, 4,200 fire hydrants, 32 groundwater wells, 15 storage tanks, and 16 pressure zones, and the City’s portion of the service line up to and including the water meter Water Metering Collect meter readings; test, repair, and install water meters Maintain meter boxes, do water meter turn-ons and turn-offs for customers
Revenues & Expenses
Fleet Management Responsible for maintenance of all City-owned vehicles Preventative maintenance Emergency repairs Responsible for ordering and maintaining parts inventory necessary for maintenance of vehicles Responsible for developing standards and specifications for all City vehicles and ordering, up-fitting and placing into services Responsible for City fuel cards system management
Revenues & Expenses
Capital Requirements