What is a Social Sorority? FriendshipSisterhoodLeadership Community CommunitySecrecy Prestige Commitment Support A Lifelong 2 nd Home Meetings and Activities
Creating a New Sorority Non-Collegiate Yet many of the benefits of a college sorority Many college sororities charge $100 + PER WEEK to be a member – NOT US! No hazing, mandatory events, etc – we would function more like an alum chapter. We are creating the foundation for something that could last a very long time (some founded in 1850s) Our group would not only help ourselves, but be open for membership to other women in need of sisterhood, encouragement, and support!
A Group Like This Has Never Been Created Anywhere in the World! Social sororities have been historically reserved for the college experience. Alum chapters still cater to the college aspects. NO sorority has been created for Military Spouses! Open to all, adult, women who are military wives (or other close relation), regardless of age, religion, creed, race, education, etc. A group for military wives to join together and support each other as sisters, as well as socialize and make crucial, needed friendships.
ΣΨΩ The symbolism behind our icons (as well as our letters hidden meaning) are part of our secrecy.
Sold on Sisiterhood? If we have your attention, please contact or visit for more information on joining or starting a new chapter in your city!