NOAA NPOESS PREPARATION ACTIVITIES Gene Legg Office of Satellite Data Processing And Distribution Asia Pacific Satellite Data Exchange and Utilization Meeting Honolulu, HI, September 20-22, 2006
NPOESS Data Exploitation Tasks: Coordinate NPOESS data utilization activities across NOAA Disseminate NPOESS Data Records (xDRs) Provide NPOESS xDR format conversion software Generate and disseminate repackaged xDRs (versions of the xDRs in alternative formats and views) Generate and disseminate NOAA-unique products (augmented environmental products constructed from NPOESS xDRs) Deliver NOAA-unique products to NOAA Long Term Archive (CLASS) Provide services to customers, including a Help Desk, NDE product training, support for product enhancement requests /
Examples of NPP/NPOESS NOAA Unique Products Compressed radiance data from CriS/ATMS (Spatial, Spectral and EOF data reductions) Sounder products for National Weather Service WFOs Radiation budget parameters (e.g. OLR) from CrIS Blended Snow Products from VIIRS, ATMS and CMIS and GOES Blended Ozone products from CrIS and OMPS Vegetation – deliver weekly or biweekly global map of green vegetation fraction and leaf area index, drought index, vegetation health Hazard Geographic Information System (GIS) products – Smoke, Fire, Aerosols, Flash Flood, Precipitation Coastwatch Products of Ocean Color, Coral Bleaching and SST Blended Ocean Products – Color and Altimeter, and/or Winds Microwave-only products from ATMS (temperature, moisture, cloud liquid water, precipitation, rainfall rates, surface emissivity, snow/ice) Daily global, regional maps (gridded data) of all EDRs and SDRs for the science community and for validation
NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF) Located at the Suitland Federal Center, Maryland Houses Mission Management Center, IDPS, Cal/Val Processing System and the Environmental Satellite Processing Center (NOAA Central) “Substantially Complete” as of February 2006 Operational Occupancy, late 2006
USAF delivered a 25% Nunn-McCurdy breach notice to Congress on 12 Jan 2006 Nunn-McCurdy recertification follows a standard process Modified to accommodate Tri-Agency Involvement Completed by June 5, 2006 IPTs provided answers to 4 key questions: National Security Importance Alternative Options Viability Cost Adequacy Management Structure Adequacy Nunn-McCurdy Process, Schedule and Status
NPOESS mission scaled back to 2 S/C in orbit. Operational reliance on METOP to fill 3 rd orbital slot. OMPS Limb Sounder may be Ballast-only CMIS is “de-manifested” New microwave imager/sounder under development Will fly on 2 nd NPOESS (C2) NGST/Raytheon Contract restructure underway IPO reorganized New Launch Schedule NPP – Sept 30, 2009 NPOESS (C1) – Late 2013 NPOESS (C2) – Late 2015 C3 and C4 Development and Launch will be evaluated after NPP launch Nunn-McCurdy Process, Schedule and Status
NPOESS Preparatory Project: IPO-NASA Risk Reduction Demo NPP Spacecraft contract awarded to Ball Aerospace – May 2002 Instrument Risk Reduction Early delivery / instrument-level test / system-level integration and test VIIRS - Vis/IR Imager Radiometer Suite (IPO) CrIS - Cross-track IR Sounder (IPO) ATMS - Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (NASA) OMPS – Ozone Mapping and Profile Suite (IPO) Provides lessons learned and allows time for any required modifications before NPOESS first launch Ground System Risk Reduction Early delivery and test of a subset of NPOESS-like ground system elements Early User Evaluation of NPOESS data products Provides algorithms / instrument verification and opportunities for instrument calibration / validation prior to first NPOESS launch Allows for algorithm modification prior to first NPOESS launch Continuity of data for NASA’s EOS Terra/Aqua/Aura missions
Payload Update - VIIRS EDU completed TVAC successfully; August 31, 2006 › ›I&T Post-TVAC ongoing; Completion Oct 19, 2006 FU1 Electronics Module successfully completed TVAC in July 2006 Band-to-Band Registration (BBR) achieves EDR objectives for NPP
Payload Update: CrIS, OMPS, ATMS CrIS: › › Flight Unit in NPP Delivery Acceptance Testing › › EMI testing issues in work-off › › Integration on NPP (mechanical, electrical) to be completed in early 2007 OMPS: › › OMPS (Nadir) Vibration Testing complete, now in TVAC › › Nadir Boresight shift observed during TVAC ATMS: › › Gunn-Diode Replacement task ongoing › › IF Amplifier Phase 2 Manufacturing Readiness Review – Jan 31, 2007 › › PFM Scheduled to Ship in early October for S/C Integration and Test