Multi-Tired System of Supports for Instructional staff BCPS was identified as significantly disproportionate in its over identification of African Americans for Special Education and related services for Areas of significant disproportionality were found for the over identification of African American students in the categories of Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability and Specific Learning Disability. BCPS was required to develop a plan to address the root causes Presented by Atinuke Fadipe & Katie Nitowski May 10, 2016 FINAL SESSION
Multi-Tiered System of Supports What Is MTSS? Multi-Tiered System of Supports Response to Intervention (RTI) Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Family and Community Engagement (FACE) School / Community Collaboration Professional Development Technology Tools General / Special Education Teamwork Additional Resources Term used to describe an comprehensive evidence-based model of schooling Uses data-based problem-solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. Integrated instruction and intervention is delivered to students in varying intensities (multiple tiers) based on individual student needs Alignment of systems necessary for all students’ academic, behavioral, and social success. “Need-driven” decision-making to accelerate the performance of ALL students to achieve and/or exceed proficiency. These are key components that form the foundation of the MTSS framework. These are... Data-Based Problem Solving Process Three-Tiered Instruction/Intervention Model Data and Evaluation Leadership Building Capacity and Infrastructure Communication and Collaboration District and school-level implementation share similar structures, our practice is guided by our District’s Strategic Plan (High Quality Instruction, Continuous Improvement, Effective Collaboration), BEST Blueprint (Beyond Expected Student Targets), policies and procedures. Collaboration and Communication across groups are critical to successful implementation. Stages of Implementation are Consensus Infrastructure Development Implementation Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a term used to describe an comprehensive evidence-based model of schooling to that uses data-based problem-solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. The integrated instruction and intervention is delivered to students in varying intensities (multiple tiers) based on individual student needs, and the alignment of systems necessary for all students’ academic, behavioral, and social success. “Need-driven” decision-making seeks to ensure that district resources reach the appropriate students (schools) at the appropriate levels to accelerate the performance of ALL students to achieve and/or exceed proficiency. What Elements MUST Be Present to Have and Integrated MTSS Model? Academic Skills and Academic Behaviors are identified for all students (Skill Integration) The data are presented in a way that reflects the relationship between academic skills and behaviors (Data Integration) The instruction provided in Tiers 2 and 3 integrates Tier 1 instruction (materials, performance expectations) (Tier Integration) The instruction provided in Tier 1 integrates the effective instructional strategies and performance expectations from Tiers 2 and 3 (Tier Integration)
What to expect Today What can you expect today? Overview of last 3 sessions Ability to use fidelity checks to increase effectiveness of RTI Student progression Access to BASIS updates that will make your life easier! A deeper understanding of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) FACE: A Take Away Resource to share with all stakeholders TODAY End of the Year RTI Wrap Ups BCPS was identified as significantly disproportionate in its over identification of African Americans for Special Education and related services for Areas of significant disproportionality were found for the over identification of African American students in the categories of Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability and Specific Learning Disability. BCPS was required to develop a plan to address the root causes
What to expect Today Overview of Last 3 Sessions Please post questions on “Need to Know More” wall. Reviewed 4 Step Problem Solving Process Tier 1 Strategies vs. Strategic and Intensive Interventions (Academics and Behavior) Best practices for data collection Student Progress Monitoring Case study reviews Family and Community Engagement BCPS was identified as significantly disproportionate in its over identification of African Americans for Special Education and related services for Areas of significant disproportionality were found for the over identification of African American students in the categories of Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability and Specific Learning Disability. BCPS was required to develop a plan to address the root causes
SIGN-UP IN myLEARNING TODAY!!! Coming this Summer MTSS Made Easy – Rock Island Professional Development SEL (Social Emotional Learning) – Lauderdale Manors Early Childhood library AWARE (Mental Health training) – Rock Island Professional Development SIGN-UP IN myLEARNING TODAY!!!
MTSS/RtI Critical Elements Leadership and Staff Commitment Effective Communication and Collaboration High-quality Instruction Matched to Student Needs (GE) Universal Screening Problem-Solving Model/Data Based Decision Making Multiple Tiers of Instruction and Intervention Progress Monitoring/Assessments Used to Inform Instruction Fidelity of Implementation Professional Development and Support Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
What to expect Today What is fidelity? The degree to which the program is implemented as intended by program developer, including the quality of implementation Ensures that instruction has been implemented as intended Helps link students outcomes to instruction Helps in the determination of intervention effectiveness, and in instructional decision making BCPS was identified as significantly disproportionate in its over identification of African Americans for Special Education and related services for Areas of significant disproportionality were found for the over identification of African American students in the categories of Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability and Specific Learning Disability. BCPS was required to develop a plan to address the root causes When a process lacks “fidelity,” few, if any, conclusions can be drawn about impact.
Types of Fidelity There are three types of “fidelity” for districts and schools: 1. Fidelity of implementing the critical components of a multi-tiered system of student supports (MTSS) -SAM (Self-Assessment of MTSS) 2. Fidelity of using the problem-solving process across all three tiers 3. Fidelity of implementing evidence-based instruction and interventions matched to specific need(s).
What does fidelity of implementation within an RtI framework look like at YOUR level? An assessment system that works to inform us about student at risk status Ex: BASIS ( EWS: Early Warning Signs) An assessment tool that informs us about student progress within each grade level and/or standards A curriculum that is evidence-based (Tier 1) Assurance that our instructional practices are evidence-based Staff have a clear sense of what they need to do and how to do it Staff have an agreed-upon vocabulary and agreed-upon procedures and practices to support implementation at the school level Discussion
Suggested Evidence of Fidelity Ways to Measure Fidelity QAM (Quality Assurance Measurement for teachers, administrators, and district) Checklist (Treatment Integrity Protocols) Intervention Logs, Lesson Plans, and Student Work Scheduling for Interventions Minutes for meetings Direct Observations Tier I & II Observation Checklist Problem-Solving Team Meeting Checklist Permanent products reviews Tier I & II and Tier III CCC (Critical Components Checklists) Discussion: Brainstorm evidence and documentation of fidelity.
Tier I & II CCC Critical Components Checklist The Tier I and II CCC measure the extent to which schools are implementing the critical components of the problem-solving process during data meetings addressing Tier I and/or II instruction.
Tier I & II CCC Rubric
What to expect Today Fidelity Activity: CCC Look fors: effectively define an instructional tool for remediation tie intervention to a specific area of weakness determine timelines accurately and consistently identify students for tiers accurately measure skills in area of concern use integrity in data collection collect the right data for decision-making purposes achieve desired outcomes Using the CCC scale/rubric to indicate the degree to which each critical component of a Problem-Solving/Response to Intervention (PS/RtI) process was implemented
(Prevention, Intervention, and Enrichment) MTSS Best Practices P.I.E. (Prevention, Intervention, and Enrichment) Power Hour (Secondary) Walk to Read Jayne Ellspermann's Presentation, Lake City, 3/4/16 (Click here to view video.)
What to expect Today HOT TOPIC in Student Progression 6000.1- Student Progression Plan Student Progression Plan Appendix A, B, C What role does RTI play in student progression?
What do you think we should add here? BASIS is there to help! What do you think we should add here? BCPS was identified as significantly disproportionate in its over identification of African Americans for Special Education and related services for Areas of significant disproportionality were found for the over identification of African American students in the categories of Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability and Specific Learning Disability. BCPS was required to develop a plan to address the root causes
Continuing the fidelity for next school year -BASIS -Completed records with follow-up notes -Follow-up Notes must document student progression with updated graphs and data -Pre-planning week for teachers: -Review Teacher QAM -Review EWS (Early Warning Signs) and student academic and behavior data in BASIS -Review students who require support and interventions
BASIS RtI Records By the end of the school year, ensure all students have a follow-up note with updated data/graphs and recommended d plans for next school year. If this option is selected, the record will not show in next year’s BASIS RtI case load.
Early Identification Activity Best practices for SEL implementation for next school year
Social Emotional Learning SEL is the process through which students develop the skills necessary to recognize and manage emotions, build relationships, solve interpersonal problems, and make effective and ethical decisions. The five competencies are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, and responsible decision making. Social and emotional learning (SEL) provides the structure and process for adults and students to develop fundamental emotional and social competencies and experiences to: understand and manage emotions set and achieve positive goals feel and show empathy for others establish and maintain positive relationships make responsible decisions Builds and deepens positive school climate 5 SEL Competency Self Management Self Awareness Social Awareness Relationship Skills Responsible Decision Making Increased Academic Outcomes Documented! Social-emotional skills led to improved attitudes about self, others, and school and an 11 % point gain on standardized achievement tests! Reduced Risk of Failure Documented! Social Emotional Skills led to decrease in conduct problems and emotional distress! Activity:
What to Expect Next Year for SEL… What do you think we should add here? BCPS was identified as significantly disproportionate in its over identification of African Americans for Special Education and related services for Areas of significant disproportionality were found for the over identification of African American students in the categories of Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability and Specific Learning Disability. BCPS was required to develop a plan to address the root causes
Family and Community Engagement District Leadership Data-Based Outcomes Positive Relationships Multi-Demenisional and Multi Tiered Approach Empowering Families Collaboative Problem Solving Informed and engaged in planning and providing strategies and/or interventions to help your child Help for your child that increases or decreases depending on your child’s needs Information about how your child is responding to the strategies and/or interventions being provided Continuous engagement in the process
MTSS and Parental Engagement Why . . . Is it important that we involve parents in the MTSS/ RTI process? How . . . do you involve parents when academics or behavior impact a student's success? ? Questions to consider in our discussion about Family/Community Involvement. These questions essentially outline the learning goals for this presentation. What . . . should parents in your school expect from the MTSS/RTI process?
FACE Core (Tier 1) Support All Families and Staff Communicate beliefs: 1) Education is a shared responsibility between home and school; (2) Families are equal partners; (3) Students achieve more when families and schools work together; (4) Community participation supports school success. All Families and Staff -Share RtI process with all staff, family, and community resources. - Create caring, culturally responsive climate for all families; provide culture and language liaisons. (Example: family volunteers) - Provide parenting education - Make school and classroom visiting available. - Involve families in school decision-making.
FACE Core (Tier 1) Support CLASSROOM LEVEL Contact every family to create ongoing, two-way communication. Ensure each family, including students, understands school/class rules and homework expectations. Plan and explain how families and teachers will partner if a student struggles. Tell students that school and home are working together to support their success. All Families and Staff
FACE Targeted (Tier 2) Support Some Families and Staff -Designate people and process to reach out individually to encourage families and staff who may be hesitant or uncomfortable. -Include families as equal partners throughout the MTSS/RTI Problem-Solving Process; provide support and information. -Support teachers and families in mutually developing and implementing individual student plans; coordinate interventions between home and family. -Provide support/education groups and targeted resources for families and/or teachers. Link with community resources. Key Points for Strategic Level: -Actions for 5-15% of families, staff, and/or community resources who might need more support, time, intensity &/or outreach to support student’s school success. -Just as in RtI framework, with more targeted use of resources, increased need for monitoring effectiveness of efforts. -Also increased need for more frequent communication & more sharing of information among partners. -Targeted/Intensive Tiers include all actions from Universal Tier. Ideas to Consider: -Think about resource allocation and creative communication ideas that can work for all partners. -Think about how you can support staff, families & community resources in sustaining this level of partnership.
FACE Intensive (Tier 3) Support Few Families and Staff -Individualize family-school partnering plans when needed. (Examples: home visits, daily communication) -Provide school, family, and community wrap around when needed. -Provide conflict resolution support and process when needed. Key Points for Intensive Level: -Partnering actions are individual, focused, time & resource intensive; for 1-5% of families, staff &/or community resources. -All parties are aware of significant needs & work towards student success with appropriate mutual supports. -Targeted comments also applied to tier 2 - often fluidity between two tiers based on current needs
MTSS/RtI and Special Education Clarification for Parents Every student in the school, from Kindergarten to graduation, is involved in RtI. Interventions are provided through general education resources so that all students can be successful. For students who need ongoing substantially intensive or individualized help to maintain progress, special education resources may be accessed by the school. Some people think that RtI is something for students with disabilities. The truth is, RtI is a way of thinking and working for schools that benefits every student in the school. For some students who need the most intensive and individualized help to maintain progress, special education resources may be accessed by the school. Whether the special education resources are accessed by the school or not, every child will continue to benefit from the problem-solving that happens in a school’s RtI system. Developed April, 2010 by FDOE State Transformation Team for RtI
Brainstorm Activity -Implementation - progress monitoring -Parent communication and engagement Brainstorm activity (10 minutes) Resources and Support Brainshark (Parent) A guide for parents on how to request an evaluation Brainshark (Parent) Procedural Safeguards: An overview of certain rights afforded to you and your child. Brainshark (Parent) MTSS/RtI Parent Focus: Available in Spanish, Portuguese and Haitian/Creole under the attachments section. RtI contact at each school will share this resource with all parents. MTSS Overview for Parents 10 minute video The SEL Leadership Team is a multi-disciplinary team of key departments at the district level (SSI, EL/SR, SC, ESOL, SA, VD, PI, TD, Strategic Achievement, and Student Assessment and Research) focused on coming together to develop a vision of District-wide MTSS practices for implementation. Positively impact student outcomes by implementing a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) with coaching supports. Improved academic and behavior outcomes Improved core instruction Increase in reading and math achievement Decrease in ESE referrals Decrease in student retention Decrease in office discipline referrals Decrease in suspension Increase in student attendance
Parent’s Guide to MTSS/RtI Create a Parent’s Guide for MTSS/RtI. The guide can be demonstrated as any of the following: Flyer Pamphlet Poster Flip chart Use the checklist to ensure all of the critical components and common language are included in the guide.
Parent’s Guide to MTSS/RtI Checklist: -What is MTSS/RtI -Graphic representation of tiers - Most commonly used acronym What are the essential components of RtI What are strategies vs. interventions for academics and behavior What does it look like in the classroom How do we monitor progress What to expect in a meeting What is the school and parent roles and responsibility What are school and district resources that support MTSS/RtI within your school -
Resources and Support Diversity, Prevention & Intervention Contact 754-321-1655 MTSS/RtI Website Florida’s MTSS Technical Assistance RtI Action Network The SEL Leadership Team is a multi-disciplinary team of key departments at the district level (SSI, EL/SR, SC, ESOL, SA, VD, PI, TD, Strategic Achievement, and Student Assessment and Research) focused on coming together to develop a vision of District-wide MTSS practices for implementation. Positively impact student outcomes by implementing a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) with coaching supports. Improved academic and behavior outcomes Improved core instruction Increase in reading and math achievement Decrease in ESE referrals Decrease in student retention Decrease in office discipline referrals Decrease in suspension Increase in student attendance
Questions & Answers