Handling Calls
There are 2 types of calls Inbound – People Phoning us Outbound – Us phoning them
Handling Calls – Inbound People call us for many reasons - On the whole the calls fall into several categories: - Advice - Chasing Deadlines - Selling us something - Confirming things - Giving Instructions - Chit Chat - Enquiring about our services - From HMRC or other Authorities - Payroll - Returning Calls
Handling Calls – Inbound Phone calls can be either welcomed as in the case of: Returned calls Enquiries about our services
Handling Calls – Inbound Or unwelcomed as in the case of: Sales Calls Complaints General ‘are my accounts finished’ type calls
Handling Calls – Inbound Or somewhere in between as in the case of: Advice Complaints Giving Instructions
Handling Calls – Inbound Within all calls (even complaints) there is an opportunity for increased efficiency, compliance and profit all round (including the client) Handled properly all calls improve client relationships
Handling Calls – Inbound Key benefits of logging and clarifying calls are: Allow accountants & CRM to concentrate on more productive tasks(1) Enable CRM or accountants to prepare properly for the call (2) Vet the call to see if you can deal with it Screen against nuisance calls
Handling Calls By noting each call properly, patiently and with curtesy you will be able to: Appraise what the call is about so you can either deal with or assign it properly Assigning a call properly means that the call duties and response can be tracked, escalated and measured efficiently for the best results for everyone
Inbound to Outbound Calls A CRM or Accountant may reassign the call task back to you in order to relay a message back to the caller, get more information or generally provide you with instructions of what to do next
Inbound Calls - Admin If a call needs escalating – escalate it via a task, if urgent call through If a call is to report or note something, take details and set a task to the relevant person If a call is re sales or a product enquiry, take contact details and e3scalate or call through If in doubt – tell the caller someone will call back – create and escalate the task
Inbound Calls - Admin If a number comes up on your screen without an identifyer (name) Add calling number to the Account or contact details on salesforce If we do not have a contact, create an account for them
Inbound Calls - Admin If a sales call (or anyone in fact) it would be useful if they could the details of their query or product the and I will reply ASAP
Bad Bookkeeping - Review To introduce the review, do not refer to it as a bad management or missing paperwork review, simply explain that every so often we are required to conduct a general management review It’s a good thing because it also means that we can improve our services to you so that you get what you need
Inbound Calls – when to SE as well Remember when approaching clients get irritable or aggressive - simply transfer the call to Tony Also SE in regard to the issue Follow the same procedure re enquiries for us to act (transfer to Tony or Stuart) Same again for existing products asking about new products – transfer to Tony or Andrew
Calls - Review As many calls can result in additional sales or avoid problems – you may want to track the task You can (and should) check the call logg report in salesforce the end of the day to find out what happened, ensure that the call has been dealt with you are included in any ‘deals’
Calls - Reminder People who have not had a call back should be called back to advise that the person they wanted to speak to has been in meetings all day, but will call them ASAP Check log first and then with CRM before calling as there may be a good reason why the caller has not been called back, rather than the CRM has forgot or simply not got round to it
Call Log This is an important report After all you took the call - Make sure its been dealt with wNX wNX Change the date to last 7 days and see whats going on Any issues with CRM etc. – please create a task or your team leader or SE No one gets into trouble and are often greatful for the extra help and reminders
Calls Always be polite Always record calls properly Deal with call where you can (update notes and/or escalations) Escalate where Necessary Escalate to relevant person(s)