Antares/KM3NeT M. de Jong. Antares  2000NL joined collaboration (3.3 M€)  2006 ‒ 2008construction  2006 ‒ todaydata taking 24h/day  2012MoU signed.


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Presentation transcript:

Antares/KM3NeT M. de Jong

Antares  2000NL joined collaboration (3.3 M€)  2006 ‒ 2008construction  2006 ‒ todaydata taking 24h/day  2012MoU signed for 5 more years of operation ~2.5 km 500 m 250 Atm. ~ 200x200 m 2 12 lines 25 storeys / line

Neutrino sky map (2007‒2010) 2° Limits on neutrino fluxes, world’s best for some specific sources. part of sky invisible to Antares PSF

Published papers ( ) Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with the ANTARES neutrino telescope Astroparticle Physics 35 (2012) 634–640 A method for detection of muon induced electromagnetic showers with the ANTARES detector Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A (2012), pp Measurement of the group velocity of light in sea water at the ANTARES site Astropart. Phys., 35 (2012), pp The ANTARES telescope neutrino alert system Astroparticle Physics 35 (2012) 530–536 First search for point sources of high energy cosmic neutrinos with the ANTARES neutrino telescope Astrophysical Journal Letters, 743:L14,2011 Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea Deep-Sea Research I 58 (2011) 875–884

ANTARES: the first undersea neutrino telescope Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 656 (2011) pp A fast algorithm for muon track reconstruction and its application to the ANTARES neutrino Telescope Astroparticle Physics 34 (2011) 652–662 Time Calibration of the ANTARES neutrino Telescope Astroparticle Physics 34 (2011) Search for a diffuse flux of high energy n µ with the ANTARES neutrino telescope Phys. Letter B 696 (2011) AMADEUS - The Acoustic Neutrino Detection Test System of the ANTARES Deep-Sea Neutrino Telescope Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A (2011) Published papers ( ) 11 conference contributions from Nikhef Conference contributions ( )

Antares / NL  Leading neutrino astronomy efforts – track reconstruction – point source searches  Contribute to (or initiate) other analyses efforts – GRB, high-energy gamma rays, Auger, multi-flavour,...  Expanding analyses efforts – detector studies systematic uncertainties development of Monte Carlo simulation software – optical properties of sea water LED beacon data analyses

KM3NeT  Design Study 2006 ‒ 2010  Preparatory Phase Study 2009 ‒ 2012  Today – Available budget 40 M€ (about 20% of total) – Decision to form a collaboration (was consortium) – MoU in preparation for the construction, installation and operation of the first phase of the KM3NeT infrastructure

KM3NeT / NL  co-founded KM3NeT2006  submitted investment proposal2008 – requested 8.8 M€ design optical module design detection unit preparation of assembly line construction of detection units – received 100% of requested budget ranked number 1

KM3NeT / NL (II)  submitted progress report2011 – requested to stay on national roadmap (no additional funding) KM3NeT headquarters in the Netherlands foresee funding request in 2013 ‒ 2014 – decision to keep KM3NeT on national roadmap “...demonstrated leadership...” “...fits well in top sector policy...”

Scientific focus RXJ 1713 ‒ Supernova remnant “origin of cosmic rays” ‒ 5 sigma discovery in 5 years (5/5) E [GeV] PP Angle [degrees] Effective area [m 2 ] Effective neutrino area Angular resolution muon neutrino

PMT  ET Enterprise Ltd. – KM3NeT design low price delivered 100 PMTs comply with specifications – study on-going to enlarge photo-cathode area  Hamamatsu – KM3NeT design low price 200 PMTs ordered

PMT (II) radius sphere radius PMT front face ‒adjustable HV ‒extremely low power ‒amplifier/discriminator ‒ transparency (Zeonex ® ) ‒match tolerances ‒+30% photo-cathode area

Digital optical module (DOM) foam core power signal collection DAQ glass sphere 31 PMTs cooling shield lens

DOM tests in-situ test programme 2012 summer – 1 DOM in Antares 2012 end – 3 DOMs at Capo Passero planning dependent on availability of ships and ROVs lab-test bench ready

clock & data transmission shore station primary junction box secondary junction box White Rabbit

Backbone cable ‒length 500 m (½ height) ‒LDPE flexible hose (6 mm), pressure balanced oil filled ‒11 single mode fibres and 2 Cu conductors ‒10 break-out boxes 1 fibre 2 Cu wires integrated DC/DC convertor ‒commercial cables McCartney, Seacon, … (price x 3 ‒ 4)

Itemquantitycost/item (€)Total (M€)% of total PMT, base, lens396, % DOM electronics128002, % DOM mechanics % DOM instrumentation % String mechanics6405, % String electronics6405, % Backbone64020, % Wet-mateable connector64020, % Seafloor network26.912% Shore station136% Deployments3013% Total224.8 costs summary

mile stones summary PPM in-situ tests Ready for Tendering/ ordering Remarks PMT-unitsReadyQ3 2012With last upgrade Q String mechanicsQ Test programme dependent on availability ships BackboneQ With cheaper connector Q Alternative solid cable? DOM mechanicsReadyQ4 2012Glass spheres can be ordered now DOM electronicsReadyQ Optical networkQ2/Q4 2012Q DAQ boardQ2 2012Q2 2013Saclay withdrawal 18

 ANTARES – steady data taking (24h/day) – publications coming out – Nikhef is leading neutrino astronomy efforts – MoU signed  KM3NeT – technical design worked out – site issue evolved to remotely operated distributed network of neutrino telescopes – legal framework imminent – funds to start construction available – Nikhef has contributed import designs innovations Conclusions

points of attention  MoU ‒negotiations deliverables, commitments, etc. on-going ‒elections for management positions will take place soon  budget ‒40 M€ start capital = 20% of total budget 20 M€ from EU structural funds has specific spending profile transitional physics program (detector size = IceCube detector) – pending uncertainty of acquisition of remainder of budget  site ‒present funding scenario drives to multi-site minor impact on science technically feasible minor additional costs  technology ‒strings versus bars to be decided soon ‒development of backbone cable Nikhef?