North Carolina Lighthouses Past and Present
Pharos of Alexandria First Lighthouse ever built – 280 B.C. Structure survived for 1500 years. Destroyed by an earthquake in the 14 th Century. Took 20 years to complete.
Built in Egypt. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Open fire at the top was its’ source of light. Tallest lighthouse ever built at 450 feet. Built of marble. Looked more like a skyscraper than the lighthouses we know today. Pharos - continued
A person who studies lighthouses. This term evolved from the first lighthouse Pharos of Alexandria. Pharologist
Was built in Boston in 1716 on Little Brewster Island. Destroyed during the Revolutionary War and then rebuilt in 1783 It is still a working lighthouse. First Lighthouse in America – Boston Lighthouse
Lighthouse are referred to as “daymarks” during the day and it is the lighthouse’s shape, size and color that help with navigational points during the day. In early years, these daymarks were piles of rock that could be seen by day and had lighted fires set on them at night to aid navigation. Daymarks
Lighting has gone from: Wood and coal fires Oil fires (both sperm whale oil and lard oil) Kerosene and candles. Lights powered by electricity. The first electric light was a parabolic reflector that was introduced in It was not as effective as it’s replacement but was much cheaper. How are lighthouses powered?
Fresnel Lens Invented in 1822 by Physicist, Augustin Fresnel. Made up of 100s of pieces of specially cut glass. Can be as tall as 12 feet. Can weigh up to 4 tons.
To guide ships into ports up and down the Atlantic coast. They help ships avoid the many shoals that are off the coast. North Carolina’s Outer Banks area was called the Graveyard of the Atlantic because of all of the shipwrecks. Why do we need lighthouses?
Lighthouses serve as a navigational tool during the day through their design. Lighthouses serve at night to warn ships of hidden dangers under the water.
North Carolina has 7 major lighthouses dotting it’s 301 miles of coastline. Each lighthouse was painted in a different color and/or design to distinguish their location. North Carolina’s Lighthouses
Bald Head Lighthouse North Carolina’s oldest lighthouse Nicknamed “Old Baldy” Built in 1817 Retired from service in 1935 90 feet tall
Ocracoke Lighthouse
Cape Lookout Light Became a prototype for many later lighthouses. First Built in 1812, rebuilt in 1859 163 feet above sea level 201 stairs Still operational
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Tallest lighthouse in U.S. 208 feet tall – 268 stairs to the top. Built in 1869 Nickname – Grand Lady of Lighthouses. Lighthouse was relocated in 1999 – 2,900 feet further from shore.
Bodie Island Lighthouse Still has a 1 st Order Fresnel Lens. Built in 1872 156 feet tall, with 214 stairs to the lantern. Still operational.
Currituck Beach Lighthouse The last brick lighthouse built on the Outer Banks Built in 1875 162 feet tall Has 214 steps. Still Operational.
Oak Island Lighthouse The last lighthouse to be built in NC, was completed in The lights can be seen for 16 miles. The actual structure is 153 feet tall, but it stands on a slight rise. There is no spiral staircase as found in most older lighthouses, but instead a series of ships ladders with a total of 131 steps to the gallery level. Still operational.