Historical Events/ Contemporary Issues U.S. vs. Iran/North Korea/Cuba
Republic of Cuba Raúl Castro (2008) 11,047,251 Havana, million Communist state. Spanish (official language) In 1956, Fidel Castro launches Revolution. Takes over 1959.
U.S./Cuba Issues Castro disavowed Cuba's 1952 military pact with the U.S. The U.S. breaks relations with Cuba on Jan. 3, 1961, and Castro formalized his alliance with the Soviet Union. In 1961, Bay of Pigs Disaster. In 1962, Cuban Missile Crisis More sanctions and policies strain relations for the next decades
U.S./Cuba Issues Cont’d In 2008, Fidel Castro retires from Presidency due to health, Raul Castro takes over. 2014, Cuba releases Alan Gross after fiver years of captivity. 2015, U.S. and Cuba resume diplomatic relations
Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un (2011) 24,589,122 Pyongyang 2,767,900 Authoritarian socialist; one-man dictatorship. Korean (official language) After WWII, In 1948, the division was made permanent with the establishment of the separate regimes of North and South Korea. 1950, North Korea launches a military attack on the South to unite the two countries. U.S. comes to the defense(w/U.N.) ending in armstice.
U.S./North Korea Issues In 1994 Kim Jong Il becomes president. Aspirations of Nuclear weapons surface but takes a backseat because of famine. In 1998, N. Korea launches suspected test missile but claims it’s a satellite. Jan. 2002, President Bush described North Korea as part of an “axis of evil.” Straining relations. North Korea admits to breaking 1994 agreement of freezing nuclear weapons program. 2007, North Korea dismantles nuclear program after receiving 400 million in aid.
U.S./North Korea Issues Cont’d 2012, renege on previous agreement with the U.S. so they suspend 240,000 tons of food aid to North Korea 2013, North Korea says its detonated third nuclear bomb. U.N. passes sanctions. Leader promises to launch "a pre-emptive nuclear strike" against the U.S. and South Korea. U.S. sends bombers and jets to the region. November 2014, North Korea accused of launching cyber attack on Sony in response to movie release. U.S. responds with cyber attack. Both parties deny responsibility.
Iran Hassan Rouhani (2013) 80,840,713 Tehran, million Persian (official) 53% Islamic theocracy Revolutionary militants invaded the U.S. embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4, 1979, seized staff members as hostages, and precipitated an international crisis.
U.S./Iran issues UN Security Council demands immediate release of the hostages Carter administration orders Iranian students to be deported and aborts an air raid aimed at rescuing the hostages At the first year anniversary of embassy takeover, capturers insist on original conditions and U.S. agrees, hostages freed In June 2005, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wins the presidential election and begins anti-Western campaign 2008, Iran taunts the U.S. and Israel in July when it tests fired nine long- and medium-range missiles
U.S./Iran Issues Cont’d Iran launched a satellite into orbit in Jan Hassan Rouhani wins 2013 election, and reaches out to West and improve U.S. relations. On Nov. 24, 2013, Iran reached a six-month deal with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany On April 2, 2015, U.S. agreement on comprehensive framework for the future of Iran's nuclear program