Tonight Bourgeois Baroque Rococo Voltaire’s Candide Neo-Classicism Romanticism
The Bourgeois Baroque Emphasis On Work And Leisure
Rembrandt van Rijn
Rembrandt Dr. Tulp’s Anatomy Lesson The Syndics of the Drapers Guild
Judith Leyster
The Proposition
Aphra Behn Love Arm’d
Jan Vermeer
Dirck van Baburen. The Procuress, 1622.
The Procuress
John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
Paradise Lost John Milton The English Response to the Counter-Reformation
Alexander Pope Essay on Man
Jane Barker
Aristocratic Baroque Aspect #2 Power And Its Price
Nicolas Poussin
Rape of the Sabine Women
Peter Paul Rubens
Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus
Why? Absolute Power Personal Public
Recall Behn Barker Leyster
Rococo Baroque-o-co
Rococo Fluff Soft-Core Porn Disguised As Mythology Play Between Human, Artificial, and Natural Worlds Jean-Honoré Fragonard Antoin Watteau Francois Boucher
Jean-Honoré Fragonard The Swing
Antoine Watteau Gersaint’s Signboard
Louis XIV of France Hyacinthe Rigaud
François Boucher The Toilette of Venus
The Toilette of Venus
Voltaire’s Candide Optimism Altruism Stoicism Rationalism Pessimism Ennui-ism Meliorism Quietism
Voltaire’s Candide Optimism: All for the Best Altruism: Complete Unselfishness Stoicism: Courage in the Face of Bad Times Rationalism: All According To Reason
Voltaire’s Candide Pessimism: Nothing is for the Best Ennui-ism: Boredom Meliorism: Things Can Improve Quietism: Passive Acceptance of Situation
Voltaire’s Candide Optimism: Pangloss (1) Altruism: Jacques (5) Stoicism: Old Woman (11-12) Rationalism: Eldorado (17-18)
Voltaire’s Candide Pessimism: Martin (21) Ennui-ism: Pococurante (25) Meliorism: Dervish (30) Quietism: Candide (30)
Neo-Classicism Late 1700’s-Early 1800’s Jacques-Louis David Angelica Kauffmann
Thomas Jefferson
Jacques-Louis David Oath of the Horatii Death of Socrates Death of Marat Coronation of the Empress Josephine
Oath of the Horatii
Death of Socrates
Death of Marat
Coronation of the Empress Josephine
Horatio Greenough George Washington as Zeus
Angelica Kauffmann Cornelia Pointing To Her Children As Her Treasures
William Blake Songs of Innocence Songs of Experience