Approximate number of students enrolled: 3,950 Total employees: 52 Harper Campus 315 West Hebron St., Charlotte, NC Jay Potter, Dean, Harper Campus Dr. Anver Classens, Division Director, Applied Technologies Steve Corriher, Division Director, Construction Technologies Stephen Gerhardt, Director, Harper Campus Administration Margaret Thornton, CTE Coordinator Jamila Freelain, Grant Specialist
Harper Campus Programs 9-14 Programs of Study Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration* Welding Technology* Career and Technical Pathways Architectural Technology Electrical Systems Construction Management Non-Destructive Examination Advertising and Graphic Design Graphic Arts and Imaging Technology *Submitted to NCCCS under NC Works Career Pathways Grant Mayor’s Career Discovery Day 2016
Key Business Partners
Employer Engagement NC Energy Consortium Groups Duke Energy –Think Tank –Job Openings October 2016 Internships NC State Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors Crowder Construction –Tool safety class for students
Successes Challenges Employer Relationship within the post secondary system Scheduling and Coordinating Meetings Developing relationships with secondary schools Engaging Middle/High School students with parents Community Engagement! –Staying Current Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools –Harper Campus Tours –College Fairs –Advisory Board Participation –Exploration Technical Trades Camps –Harper Campus Open House Charlotte Works WDB –Labor Market Information –Industry Liaison Employers –Harper Campus Tours –Career Fairs –Harper Summit Lessons Learned & Changes Time and support needed to establish relationships Present CTE as a viable option for student success Post secondary CTE personnel should fully understand the organization and programs of study Create more opportunities for parental involvement
The Road Ahead Community Engagement Communication strategies with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) Ongoing CMS Presentations Collaborate with CMS to develop soft skills presentations Employer relationship development Exploration Technical Trades Camp 2015
Harper Campus Electrical Systems Program qgPpkQxQOLeBkxPOF&index=34https:// qgPpkQxQOLeBkxPOF&index=34
Plans and Strategies Career Advising Career Coach Program Video Campaign Work-Based Learning Presentations to teachers, parents and students STEMersion Tours MeckEd Program Construction and Engineering Explorers Post ImaginOn College Fair 2016
Sustainability Programs of study pathway maps will become tools for advising CMS High School students Best practice model to create additional 9-14 programs of study Continue parent and student orientations to include College Transfer Pathway students Commitments from CMS, CPCC and Charlotte Works WDB to continue quarterly meetings Mayor’s Career Discovery Day 2016