Legacy of the Chicano Movement
Identity Crisis One of the results of the Chicano Movement was ethnic pride. There was an emphasis of being brown or mestizo and not being ashamed of it. The concept of Aztlan, the homeland of the Aztecs alleged to be the present day Southwest, gave a heretofore unknown dignity to the Indian-Mestizo aesthetic, which Chicanos had been conditioned to see in negative terms.
Chicano Studies The most visible result of the Chicano Movement is to be found in academics in the many university Chicano Studies programs and departments that exist throughout the Southwest. It began in California in 1968 in Los Angeles. Soon after nearly all California colleges and universities instituted them. The most read survey of Chicano history is Rodolfo Acuna’s Occupied America.
High School Impact High schools began to offer Chicano Studies programs as well. Like higher education, many programs today are called Mexican-American Studies or Latino Studies instead of Chicano Studies today. Also, the percentage of Mexican-American high school students who graduate and continue on to college has grown dramatically.
The Chicano Renaissance Chicano artists initially served as the main purveyors of the Chicano Movement emblems of new identity. In California cities, a strong muralist movement emerged which employed strong indigenous motifs, glorified interpretations of Chicano history and romantic allusions to mundane life in the barrios. The most impressive mural project was in Chicano Park in San Diego, then later mural projects were added in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and other cities. Since then, Chicano art has moved to new heights of experimentation beyond the movement forms of the 60s and 70s.
Literature, primarily poetry, also appeared first as oral performances at movement events and early publications. The San Diego poet Alurista, was the most widely read of the Chicano writers. His 1960s and 1970s poetry idealized the pre- Columbian past and essentialized such mundane aspects of culture as the corn tortilla. This inspired numerous poets, journalists, and authors.
The Spin to Traditional Politics The founding of the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund (MALDEF) and the Southwest Voter Registration Project (SVREP)were both attempts at social change within the system. Today many Mexican Americans run for elected office as members of both the Democratic and Republican parties. An increase in voter participation in the Mexican American community is a major goal today.