SQ3R Assignment & Activities Chapter 1.3 Types of Government
Immigration Review, p. 7 Hand back exit tickets 1.2 and discuss. Hand back exit tickets 1.2 and discuss. Review citizenship components by completing scenario sheet for p. 7. Review citizenship components by completing scenario sheet for p. 7. Discuss each example. Discuss each example.
SQ3R Questions #1 & 2: Does a society need a government? Define & discuss handout (lesson 1). Define & discuss handout (lesson 1). Define social contract. According to Locke, what is the main purpose of government? How does the government get the right or authority to make laws telling people what they can and cannot do? What should people do when a government is abusive and mistreats them? Why should they have that right? What do we expect from government? What do they expect from us? What do we expect from government? What do they expect from us?
SQ3R Question#3: If we need a government, what type is best? Look at sheet of different types of governments. Look at sheet of different types of governments. –Which type is best? Why? Which category does it fall into? –Which type is worst? Why? Which category does it fall into? Discuss 2 categories & define. Discuss 2 categories & define. –Dictatorships/Authoritarian Regimes –Democracies/Republics
Autocracies Totalitarian Dictatorship Totalitarian Dictatorship Rule by force (Ex.?) Backed by military No rights or choice in government Absolute Monarchy Absolute Monarchy Divine right (Ex.?) Total authority Few exist today
Characteristics of Democracies Not all democracies are republics. Not all democracies are republics. Value liberty and freedom. Value liberty and freedom. Have majority rule with minority rights. Have majority rule with minority rights. Conduct free elections. Conduct free elections. Allow competing political parties. Allow competing political parties. Have Education & Free Enterprise Have Education & Free Enterprise
What are the 3 Levels of Government? Define federalism. Define federalism. Discuss federal, state & local governments. Discuss federal, state & local governments. Provide examples of each. Provide examples of each.
What are the Principles of American Democracy? PAGE 9 List each of these on page 9. Define each. Then, illustrate it with an example. List each of these on page 9. Define each. Then, illustrate it with an example. –Rule of Law –Limited Government –Consent of the Governed –Individual Rights –Representative Government
Rights, Duties & Responsibilities Do sheet & discuss, p. 10. Do sheet & discuss, p. 10. Go over rubric for projects Go over rubric for projects Due Sept. 11 th at the beginning of class. Due Sept. 11 th at the beginning of class.
Chapter 1 Essentials, p. 11 For each of the 3 sections in your notebook, complete the following exercises: For each of the 3 sections in your notebook, complete the following exercises: –WHAT was the section about? –SO WHAT-Why is it important? –NOW WHAT-What about this section is controversial?