Disability results from the 2010 Brazilian Population Census Andréa Borges Population Census Committee IBGE, Brazil 12 Meeting of the Washington Group 12 th Meeting of the Washington Group Bangkok, Thailand October 23-25, 2012
Data by municipality People with at least one disability (%) Source: IBGE, 2010 Population Census.
Age People with at least one type of disability by age groups (%) - Brazil
Source: IBGE, 2010 Population Census. Age People with at least one type of disability by single years of age (%) Brazil
Source: IBGE, 2010 Population Census. Age and sex structure Age and sex structure of people with at least one type of disability Brazil
Source: IBGE, 2010 Population Census. Population by sex, age groups and type of disability Population by sex, age groups and type of disability - Brazil
Source: IBGE, 2010 Population Census. Literacy Literacy rate of people of 15 years and over, total and with at least one type of disability – Brazil and Regions
Source: IBGE, 2010 Population Census. School attendance School attendance rate among children aged 6 to 14 years-old, with and without disability – Brazil and Regions
Source: IBGE, 2010 Population Census. Employment rate Employment rate of people aged 10 years-old and over, with and without disability, by type of disability and sex - Brazil
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