4.01C Identify the elements of the promotional mix
Elements of the Promotional Mix Promotional Mix: the combination, or blend, of marketing communication channels that a business uses to send its messages to customers Elements of the Promotional Mix Advertising Personal Selling Publicity Sales Promotion
Advertising The most visible element of the promotional mix Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, images, goods and services Used to encourage short-term sales, build product awareness and develop brand image Per contact cost is low Works best when: Product awareness is low Product features are not obvious to customers A product needs to be differentiated from competition Discretionary incomes are high Overall industry sales are rising
Personal Selling The form of promotion that determines client needs and wants and responds through planned, personalized communication that influences purchase decisions and enhances future business opportunities All about building relationships Can take place fact-to-face, by telephone, or by On a per contact basis, it is the most expensive form of promotion Immediate feedback and flexibility
Publicity Publicity is any nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods or services that is not paid for by the company or individual Businesses have little control over the message presented to customers Free Can build goodwill toward a company
Sales Promotion Sales promotions are promotional activities other than advertising, personal selling, and publicity that stimulate customer purchases. Visual merchandising, coupons, in-store demonstrations, cash discounts, price incentives, product samples, contests, etc. They are measurable, have a low cost per exposure, attract new customers, generate excitement, encourage quick responses, provide added value and boost repeat purchases.
The Importance of the Promotional Mix An appropriate blend of the promotional elements enables businesses to communicate effectively with customers. It increases brand recognition, raises product awareness, and communicates product benefits Makes it more likely for businesses to reach their target markets than using one form of promotion alone Drives sales and helps the company reach its marketing goals and objective
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix Product Being Sold Three types of products: convenience, shopping specialty Convenience products are items purchases frequently with minimal effort. Toothpaste, ballpoint paints, eggs Use advertising and sales promotion Shopping products are goods and services such as automobiles, laptop computers, cell phone plans Purchases after a customer has made comparisons of competing products Customer checks prices, styles, colors, qualities of different products Personal selling and national TV advertising often used Specialty products have unique characteristics that customers make special efforts to obtain. Expensive jewelry and antiques Require more personal selling
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix Product being sold cont’ Stages of the life cycle Introductory stage: product is introduced. Efforts are designed to inform customers about new products. Sales promotions and advertising are frequently used Growth stage: competing products appear. Promotional activities focus on pointing out differences between products. Advertising is used extensively Maturity stage: product is well-established on the market. Promotion is used to remind about product benefits Declining stage: newer products enter the market, taking the place of existing ones. Production may slow or stop. Money is aimed at maintaining a positive image
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix Affect of the Product’s Market Type of customer: personal customer vs industrial customers Number of customers: few customers=effectively promoted through personal selling. Numerous customers used advertising and sales promotion Geographic location: where customers live
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix Distribution Systems: promotional mix is affected by the path the product takes Push stategies: promoting products to intemediaires who then promote the product to consumers Pull strategies: producers promote their products directly to the ultimate consumers New drink on TV
Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix Product’s company mix: Historical perspective: rely on previous uses of promotional methods to determine current promotional mixes Available funds Competition