1 Report SThM AFM LAB
SThM Signal vs Time. The SThM signal was recorded directly from the tip. At the same Time and incandescent light bulb was used to heat and cool the tip, without touching it. As A result the SThM signal increases every time the heating source was turned on.
Topography (left) and SThM temperature (right). Sample heated from bottom. SThM Scale is in mV, brither areas show higher temperatures. Circles are carbon fibers, while Background is the epoxy composite.
Topography (up) and SThM temperature (down). The tip was disconnected During the scan to ensure the signal comes from the PT100 inside the AFM tip. Signal goes to a constant value if PT100 is not connected
Topography (left) and SThM temperature (right). Sample heated from bottom to 27C. SThM Scale is in mV, brither areas show higher temperatures. Circles are carbon fibers, while Background is the epoxy composite.
Heater Temperature 27ºC Heater Temperature 44ºC SThM signal Topography
Heater Temperature 27ºC Heater Temperature 44ºC SThM signal Heater temperature was increased from 27ºC to 44ºC. Sample Was reescanned. SThM signal values increases with temperature, as the Resistance from the tip also increases.
Heater Temperature 27ºC Heater Temperature 44ºC SThM signal Heater temperature was increased from 27ºC to 44ºC. Sample Was reescanned. SThM signal values increases with temperature, as the Resistance from the tip also increases. SThM signal profiles extracted from the previous images. SThM signal clearly increases With heater temperature. However the relative signal difference between the carbon fiber and The epoxy material remains constant.
SThM Signal vs Time. After image acquisition, sample heater was turned off while The SThM signal was recorded over time. Tip cooling is showed from 55ºC to 30ºC (temperature At heater base)
SThM test Sample Images acquired with Anasysinstruments, Topography(left), SThM (right) SThM test Sample Images acquired with our amplifier