How much design do we do before we begin to code? Waterfall: Design it all! (slight exaggeration… but not much) Agile: Just enough Why? We aren’t good at planning entire systems at once. Is it possible to test without knowing the entire program structure? Yes! But it can feel uncomfortable at first. Benefit: it can make us produce code that is more modular, because we need to define/test individual pieces. TDD IS HARD! BUT GOOD…
Specification. Computer needs to make a suggestion which includes a room, a weapon, and a person. Do we need to know all the details of how the game operates? No, if we can define what this method must do, we can focus on that. Room must match the location of the player. This method is ONLY concerned with making a suggestion… so we don’t care how the method is called. All we need to know is that the method will take a BoardCell location as a parameter, to enable us to get the room. EXAMPLE: MAKE SUGGESTION Advantage: May lead to more modular code – which is more testable and maintainable!
Weapon must be selected. Should be randomly chosen from all weapons that are not in my hand (myCards) and have not previously been seen (seenCards). Do we care how cards were dealt? No, this method assumes myCards is already set up. Do we care when/how we “see” cards? No, this method assumes seenCards is already set up. Similar considerations for Person MAKE SUGGESTION, CONT.
Should we return the “suggestion” or store it? It seems likely that we’ll want to return it, so that it can be “handled” – i.e., disproved But it’s a quick/easy change between returning vs storing in an instance variable and providing a getter. So either option is valid for now. MAKE SUGGESTION, CONT.
What if we decide later to pass the room as a String, rather than a BoardCell? Takes about 2 minutes to update the test from something like: makeSuggestion(board.getCellAt(5,7); to makeSuggestion(“Kitchen”); Then update the code remove “lookup” of room replace with parameter Run the tests ONCE THEY PASS, TESTS SHOULD ALWAYS PASS