Feasts of Our Coptic Church Feasts of Our Lord (7 Major & 7 Minor)  today’s topic And, feasts of Saint Mary And, 2 feasts of the Cross And, feast of the.


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Presentation transcript:

Feasts of Our Coptic Church Feasts of Our Lord (7 Major & 7 Minor)  today’s topic And, feasts of Saint Mary And, 2 feasts of the Cross And, feast of the Apostles (July) And, Coptic New Year (September) And, feasts every Coptic Month (every 29 th, 21 st, 12 th ) And, feasts every Week (every Sunday) And, feasts of the Saints (almost every Day!)

Feasts of Our Lord – 7 Major Feasts 1.Annunciation of Archangel Gabriel to St. Mary – 9 months before the Lord’s birth 2.Birth of Our Lord (Christmas also called Nativity) – January 7 th 3.Baptism of Our Lord by St. John the Baptist – January 19 th (called Epiphany or Theophany) 4.Palm Sunday (The Lord enters Jerusalem) – 1 week before Easter 5.Resurrection of Our Lord (Easter) – After the Great Lent Fast 6.Ascension of Our Lord to Heaven – 40th day after Easter 7.Descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) – 50th day after Easter

Feasts of the Lord – 7 Minor Feasts 1.Circumcision of Our Lord – January 14 th (8 th day after Christmas) 2.Presentation of Our Lord into the Temple – February 15 th (40 th day after Christmas) 3.Flight of the Holy Family to Egypt 4.Wedding of Cana of Galilee (First Miracle) – January 21 st (the Lord turned water into wine) 5.Transfiguration of Our Lord 6.Covenant Thursday (before Good Friday) 7.Thomas’ Sunday (1 st Sunday after Easter)

The Holy Family’s FLIGHT TO EGYPT

FLIGHT TO EGYPT The 3 wise men found the Child Jesus and worshipped Him They returned to their country without telling king Herod King Herod was very angry! Herod killed many children in Bethlehem

FLIGHT TO EGYPT “Arise “Arise take the young child and His mother, and flee to Egypt” Egypt” Matthew 2:13

FLIGHT TO EGYPT Leaving BETHLEHEM … Gate was locked! St. Mary put our Lord Jesus’ hands on lock Gate opened!


FLIGHT TO EGYPT at BASTA … St. Mary asked for water People said: “NO!” Our Lord Jesus drew on ground with His fingers … Water came out!

FLIGHT TO EGYPT at MOSTOROD … (Al-Mahamma – “Bathing place” ) Our Lord made water come from ground St. Mary bathed Jesus & washed His clothes

FLIGHT TO EGYPT at EL MATAREYA… People refused St. Mary bread & turned her away No one can bake bread on that street! Holy Family sheltered under a tree, the “Tree of the Virgin Mary” Our Lord Jesus also made water come from ground

FLIGHT TO EGYPT How did St. Joseph know to escape to Egypt? He listened & obeyed God Who protected the Holy Family? GOD GOD, to complete His perfect plan: our SALVATION God has a perfect plan for each of us too!

FLIGHT TO EGYPT Why must we escape escape from evil? God’s plan to protect us To resist/fight evil To avoid sinning (temptation)

Obey &Listen to God’s voice – He guards us, keeps us & protects us Trust in God God – He has the perfect plan for us Run away from evil evil – keep yourselves clean Check your spiritual notebooks every night FLIGHT TO EGYPT