REMIT Document – main elements (approved in March Council week) As mentioned, the remit of the ESG is to establish a proposal for an Update of the medium.


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Presentation transcript:

REMIT Document – main elements (approved in March Council week) As mentioned, the remit of the ESG is to establish a proposal for an Update of the medium and long-term European Strategy for Particle Physics, for approval by the Council. It is proposed that the proposal will take the following elements into account: The Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics shall in particular aim at: – enhancing the visibility of existing European particle physics programmes; – increasing collaboration among Europe's particle physics laboratories, institutes and universities; – promoting a coordinated European participation in global projects and in regional projects outside Europe; – encouraging knowledge transfer to other disciplines, industry, and society. The proposal shall include a review of the implementation of the 2006 Strategy, as well as of the structures and procedures currently in place with regard to the Strategy. The proposal shall outline priorities following a thematic approach, with special emphasis on future large infrastructures/projects, including preparatory steps for a next project at CERN after LHC in a global context, and consider time scales and resources. It shall also consider possible future participation by CERN in experiments outside the Geneva Laboratory as part of the Strategy implementation. The proposal shall comprise a series of ordered and concise statements of 1-2 pages in total, followed by more detailed presentations that shall not exceed 25 pages. JUNE 2011Steinar STAPNES1

European Strategy Group and Preparatory Group composition European Strategy Group (ESG): Members: One representative nominated by each of the CERN Member States, the Director-General of CERN, one representative nominated by each of the major European National Laboratories in Particle Physics as listed in appendix 1, and the four members of the Strategy Secretariat. The ESG will be chaired by the Scientific Secretary Invitees: One representative nominated by each of the Associate Member States, Observer States and Candidates for Accession, one nominated by European Commission and one by ApPEC, and finally the Chairmen of FALC, ESFRI and NuPECC. The invitees have the right to attend all open meetings of the ESG and to take the floor thus providing valuable input. Preparatory Group: Four members appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the SPC and four members appointed by the Council on the recommendation of ECFA, as well as the four members of the Strategy Secretariat. The membership of the Preparatory Group will also include one representative nominated by CERN, one representative from Asia and one from the Americas nominated by the respective regional representatives in ICFA. The Preparatory Group will be chaired by the Scientific Secretary. JUNE 2011Steinar STAPNES2

Preparation Group F rom the SPC: – Professor Roy Aleksan, France – Professor Peter Braun-Munzinger, Germany – Professor Marcella Diemoz, Italy – Professor David Wark, UK From ECFA: – Professor Catherine De Clercq, Belgium – Professor Klaus Desch, Germany – Professor Katri Huitu, Finland – Professor Aleksander Filip Zarnecki, Poland In addition, CERN nominates Dr Peter Jenni. The four Strategy Secretariat members of the Preparatory Group will be: – Professor Philippe Chomaz (representative of the European Laboratory Directors meeting) – Professor Tatsuya Nakada (ECFA Chairman) – Professor Fabio Zwirner (SPC Chairman). – The fourth member, namely the Scientific Secretary, will be elected during the 12th European Strategy Session of the Council, on 24 June Regional representatives: – Professor Yoshitaka Kuno, Japan - representing Asia – Professor Patricia McBride, US - representing the Americas JUNE 2011Steinar STAPNES3

Mumbai and common approach General agreement that having a common input from the LC community to the Strategy Process important. ILCSC minuted: – “The process towards preparing a common Linear Collider statement from ILC and CLIC, including both technologies, for the European Strategy update in 2012 (now 2013) has to be defined and agreed during the Granada Workshop” – The purpose of this session is to agree on this process (not the outcome of the process)

2006 – the steps, input, Briefing books ncil-strategygroup/

ILC Project Implementation Planning B. Foster ICHEP Paris 07/10 7 Global Design Effort Executive Summary Governance Funding Models Project Management Host Responsibilities Siting Issues In-Kind Contribution Models Industrialisation and Mass Production of the SCRF Linac Components Project Schedule Future Technical Activities Draft available next month – final version will be included in TP.

ILC TDR B. Foster ICHEP Paris 07/10 8 Global Design Effort Part I: Technical Design Phase R&D Introduction Superconducting RF technology Beam Test Facilities Accelerator Systems R&D Post-TDR R&D Conclusions Part II: The ILC Baseline Design Introduction and Overview General parameters and layout SCRF Main Linacs Polarised electron source Positron source Damping Ring RTML (bunch compressor) Beam Delivery System & MDI

ILC TDR B. Foster ICHEP Paris 07/10 9 Global Design Effort Part II: The ILC Baseline Design (contd.) Conventional Facilities, Siting and Global Systems The TeV Upgrade Option Scope of post TDR engineering (technical risk assessment) Project Implementation Planning Cost and Schedule Conclusions To be available by end 2012 – a draft form can be input to the Strategy Group – now much easier with 6-month delay of European Strategy.

ILC Detectors B. Foster ICHEP Paris 07/10 10 Global Design Effort Interim reports: available “soon” DBD outline – March/April 2012 Physics scope - March/April 2012

CDRs: Vol 1: The CLIC accelerator and site facilities (H.Schmickler) CLIC concept with exploration over multi-TeV energy range up to 3 TeV Feasibility study of CLIC parameters optimized at 3 TeV (most demanding) Consider also 500 GeV, and intermediate energy ranges Vol 2: The CLIC physics and detectors (L.Linssen) Vol 3: CLIC study summary (S.Stapnes) Summary and available for the European Strategy process, including possible implementation stages for a CLIC machine as well as costing and cost-drives Proposing objectives and work plan of post CDR phase ( ) Timescales: By end 2011: aim to have Vol 1 and 2 completed Spring/mid 2012: Vol 3 ready for the European Strategy Open Meeting The CLIC CDR Main information page: Accelerator About 90% of the contributions received About 60% of the contributions received as final, for the Editorial Board to address Physics and Detectors See talk later this afternoon A link providing the opportunity to subscribe as a signatory for the CLIC CDR can be found on the main information page Main information page: Accelerator About 90% of the contributions received About 60% of the contributions received as final, for the Editorial Board to address Physics and Detectors See talk later this afternoon A link providing the opportunity to subscribe as a signatory for the CLIC CDR can be found on the main information page

Proposal for discussion Small working group … (4 Europeans, 1 Americas, 1 Asia) Document (not too long – max 20 pages) – Physics key questions and the LC potential (Assume LHC + lum. upgrades will happen, focus on complementarity) – Short “summary” and reference to other documents (CDRs and TDRs) – Include something with format compatible with European Strategy draft (short statement(s), including extra page per statement). Draft by ILCSC February ? Final document by end July 2012 ? Nominations to by – who will make sure the names and composition are agreed by consensus in the ILC and CLIC areas.