Why might it be a good idea…
The evolution of questions … What staff askWhat I reply Do we need an RCT? Is the evaluation plan in this proposal ok? What question do we want to explore? Tell me a little more about how the grant contributes to your strategy? Or What do you think abut their organizational capacity?
The evolution of questions… What staff askWhat I reply Can you help me create indicators? Could you review this proposal (but it is not well written)? Is this part of your job description? Could you join this meeting? What question do we want to explore? You know, our proposal guidelines make it hard for proposals to be as clear as they could be. Yes.
The Agenda for Our Staff Convening on Evaluation An Overview: Philanthropy & Evaluation Developing a framework for evaluation at Wellspring A Program Officer Walks into Jackie’s Office, Part 1:Question, “Which Evaluation Should I support?” Hans Rosling’s No More Boring Data on youtube
The Agenda for Our Staff Convening on Evaluation An Overview of Strategy: Philanthropy & Public Policy Advocacy evaluation: Approaches & Methods A Program Officer Walks into Jackie’s Office, Part 2: Question, “ What credit can we take?” Using RCTS A Program Officer Walks into Jackie’s Office, Part 3: “How ‘much’ evaluation do we need?”
What will be hardest …
© 2011 FSG 7 FSG.ORG Conditions that Support a Strategic Learning and Evaluation System The more these conditions are met, the greater the chances the Strategic Learning and Evaluation System will be used effectively Staffing/ Resources Knowledge and Experience with Evaluation Organizational Culture Positive disposition towards evaluation and the use of findings Open-mindedness about evaluation approaches and methods Willingness to learning from and about evaluation Availability of staff to manage and lead evaluation processes Some level of evaluation knowledge and skills among staff (evaluation capacity) Understanding that evaluation is part of everyone’s job Budget line item for evaluation (across the organization) Leaders provide clear and consistent support for evaluation and the use of findings for decision making and action Organizational learning culture is desired and supported by staff Staff readily share information and learning with each other Articulated Strategy and Goals Clearly articulated organizational strategy and goals that are understood and agreed upon by staff and the Board Alignment of initiatives, grants, programs, with the organization’s strategy(ies)
© 2011 FSG 8 FSG.ORG The 4 Pillars of a Strategic Learning and Evaluation System Evaluation Vision Organization Infrastructure Suggestions for: o Building a learning culture o Leadership role o Staffing and capacity building o Evaluation budget o IT and knowledge management o Marketing/ communications o Implementation timelines
What information to track…
Interaction gapsInformation gaps Who haven’t I talked to? What don’t I know?